воскресенье, 8 апреля 2018 г.

Sistema de sucesso da tríade comercial

Sistema de triada de sucesso de negociação
Comerciante de moeda internacional.
Meu nome é Jason Fielder, e eu consegui fazer uma carreira fora das moedas comerciais devido à minha capacidade de prever as tendências do mercado com uma precisão mortal. Meus amigos - mesmo aqueles que não têm idéia sobre o mercado de câmbio - compram quando eu lhes digo para comprar, vender quando eu digo para vender e ganhar dinheiro em grande momento no processo.
Para aqueles que são infelizes, deixe-me dar-lhe um rápido 411 sobre como o mercado mais rico de todos - a troca de moeda estrangeira (também conhecido como FOREX) - funciona.
Pessoas e empresas têm que trocar sua moeda quando vão de um país para outro. Na maior parte da Europa, eles usam o "Euro". Então, se você estiver nos EUA, você deve "comprar" Euros com Dólares. Ou, se você voa para o Japão, você precisa "comprar" o iene com seus Dólares.
Esses tipos de intercâmbio ocorrem 24 horas por dia em todo o mundo e mais de 2 trilhões de dolalrs são trocados todos os dias. Bancos, países e grandes empresas multinacionais trocarão moeda muitas vezes por dia. Se um banco ou outra grande corporação se sentasse em suas reservas, literalmente poderia falir em uma semana.
Agora, aqui está algo que a maioria das pessoas não conhece.
Um minuto, o dólar pode estar em alta, no próximo minuto, o Euro pode ser aumentado. Porque a situação econômica muda a cada minuto com todas as transmissões de notícias.
No verão passado, o dólar era fraco em relação a todas as moedas. Então, de repente, quando o preço do petróleo caiu, o dólar rapidamente disparou como uma das moedas mais fortes do mundo.
Comerciantes experientes que sabem como reagir MILLÕES produzidos nesse movimento de mercado em apenas um mês!
No entanto, existe um problema. A maioria dos comerciantes realmente não tem idéia do que estão fazendo. Eles estão simplesmente adivinhando quando comprar ou vender, e não possuem habilidades e confiança para levar esses negócios lucrativos que podem ser tão financeiramente gratificantes. Claro que eles ganham dinheiro às vezes, mas com a mesma frequência, eles devolvem tudo.
Mas há alguns, aqueles armados com um conhecimento muito especializado de como funcionam os mercados de divisas, que estão tirando lucros do mercado, o tipo de lucros que você costuma ouvir sobre as notícias.
E se você é um veterinário experiente, ou um iniciante total, tudo começa com um sistema que irá remover o medo, a dúvida a preocupação e a segunda adivinhação quando você toma seus negócios. E Dê-lhe o que eu chamo de "Confirmação Absoluta" Toda vez que você puxa o Gatilho.
A tríade tirou-me de um medo montado a tempo parcial Rookie para um comerciante profissional a tempo inteiro.
Os 3 equívocos fatais.
E terminam 90% dos comerciantes. Antes mesmo de começar.
Como comerciante profissional em tempo integral, cheguei a descobrir que existem 3 equívocos fundamentais e fatais que quase todos os comerciantes têm sobre o mercado cambial.
Depois de quase uma década de experiência comercial, tem sido minha observação uma e outra vez, que os comerciantes que SÃO bem-sucedidos (e eu conheço muitos que são) estão todos conscientes desses perigosos conceitos errados e tomaram todos os passos para EVITAR-los.
Forex é o maior mercado do mundo, mais de 2 trilhões de dólares são negociados diariamente.
E aqui está a coisa - você não precisa ser um comerciante ou investidor para ganhar dinheiro nesta divisão estrangeira, ou "Forex" para breve. Nao e necessario experiencia.
O que era como para mim.
Lembro-me de como era quando eu comecei a operar. No momento, eu ainda acreditava ingenuamente que, se eu pudesse achar que "um sistema de negociação rentável" fosse definido para a vida. Quando não consegui encontrar esse sistema, passei mais de 5 anos pesquisando e tentando desenvolver o meu próprio, apenas para falhar repetidas vezes.
Mas então eu descobri Triad Trading & trade; e ocorreu um verdadeiro avanço. Percebi que encontrar o sistema "Santo Graal" que seria rentável em todas as condições do mercado não era apenas impossível.
. era desnecessário!
Agora é minha missão compartilhar esse avanço com tantos comerciantes quanto possível, e um dia até vejo a teoria da Triad Trading & trade; listado entre as ótimas filosofias comerciais.
É aí que você entra.
Eu quero criar um grupo apertado de Triad Traders que aprenderá meus sistemas, trocá-los com sucesso e ajudar a divulgar a palavra sobre Triad Trading & trade ;. Eu não espero que este "movimento" tenha um impacto durante a noite, mas com as pessoas certas será em breve. (E, entretanto, todos ganharemos mais dinheiro e nos tornamos comerciantes mais bem-sucedidos!)
"Digite a Fórmula Triad Trading"
Agora. é hora de prestar muita atenção, pois estou prestes a revelar um pouco conhecido & ldquo; quirk & rdquo; no mercado Forex que faz com que até os melhores sistemas de negociação sejam ERRADOS 2/3 do tempo.
Então, se você é como a maioria dos comerciantes e você:
Então continue lendo, porque estou prestes a explicar EXACLTY porque é isso.
Equívoco # 1 - EXPLICADO - Aqui está o acordo: você precisa se adaptar às condições de mercado em mudança se desejar LUCRER em todas as condições do mercado. Em outras palavras, você não pode negociar da mesma forma o tempo todo, assim como você não pode dirigir do mesmo modo quando está seco e ensolarado, vs. quando está molhado e chuvoso, ou você é muito mais provável que trava e queima .
E se você não está fazendo tão bem como a tríade,
Mesmo os melhores sistemas comerciais ainda estão.
Aqui é o acordo: ele não importa o que você é e negocia; ndash; ações, futuros, commodities, Forex & ndash; os mercados só podem se mover de uma das três maneiras e hellip;
Então, se parece que você está errado mais vezes do que você está certo quando coloca negócios, é por isso que é um bom motivo.
Você provavelmente está tomando uma abordagem errada para a condição de mercado CURRENT (mesmo que seja correto para uma das outras condições de mercado, não irá ajudá-lo se não se alinha com o que está acontecendo agora)
Ok, então aqui estão as ÚNICAS 3 maneiras pelas quais o mercado pode se mover.
TREND significa que os preços se movem na mesma direção geral & ndash; para cima ou para baixo e ndash; durante um período de tempo e hellip;
Eu não me importo se você for um dia de negociação, negociando swing ou fazendo mais jogadas a longo prazo, o mercado só pode estar em um desses três padrões.
Mas aqui são as más notícias: os sistemas são quase exclusivamente desenvolvidos para uma condição de mercado.
Então, com a maioria dos sistemas, 2/3 do tempo que você quer estar ERRADO ou você estará sentado à margem.
Lembre-se do "quirk" que mencionei acima?
Talvez agora faça sentido por que seus negócios ainda não foram tão bem quanto você gostaria?
Agora, você pode ver por que tirar lucros do mercado de forma consistente ao longo do tempo é magro para nenhum, porque a maioria dos sistemas funciona apenas em uma condição de mercado e sem uma maneira de identificar automaticamente qual padrão você está, você não vai saber a melhor maneira de trocá-lo.
Isso deixa você, na melhor das hipóteses, uma 1 / 3ª chance de corrigi-lo, e isso é, se tudo o resto for seu caminho!
Ah, e a propósito, isso foi falado pela primeira vez pelo matemático francês Louis Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Bachelier (muitas vezes referido hoje como o "Einstein of Finance") em sua tese de doutorado de 1900, a Teoria da especulação em que ele disse:
Neste ponto, você provavelmente está se perguntando, & ldquo; O que é o ponto de tudo isso? O que isso tem a ver com se tornar um comerciante Forex mais preciso, confiante e lucrativo? & Rdquo;
Bem, se você é como a maioria dos comerciantes (que apenas trocam tendências ou sistemas de breakout), agora você sabe por que você está no & ldquo; sente-se e aguarde & rdquo; modo a grande maioria de sua vida comercial. ou você está tendo maus negócios quando entra, porque você não identificou adequadamente a condição de mercado correta.
. 65% do tempo, os mercados simplesmente não estão fazendo o que você precisa para fazer para ganhar dinheiro!
Agora está começando a fazer sentido?
Por que você está errado mais vezes do que você & rsquo; re right & hellip;
Por que você ainda está nervoso quando chegou a hora de puxar o gatilho & hellip;
Por que você não está lucrando consistentemente e ainda está procurando algo para chegar lá & hellip;
Agora que você tem uma compreensão das três condições de mercado, usando a Triad, você pode usar esse fenômeno poderoso e pouco conhecido para aumentar a sua precisão, confiança e RENDIMENTO de negociação no Forex.
Digite a tecnologia aptiva Auto-Ad de TRIAD.
Esta é a essência da TRIAD Trading.
E se você quer se tornar um melhor comerciante de Forex, aqui é o GRANDE SECRETO que os comerciantes profissionais ganharam.
Você vê, para ganhar dinheiro verdadeiramente em Forex, você precisa ter um sistema mortal e preciso que possa ler e identificar instantaneamente qual o tipo de condição de mercado em que você está em TODOS OS TEMPOS. E você não descobrirá tal sistema na CNN, CNBC, no Wall Street Journal ou em qualquer uma das outras redes de notícias financeiras.
E, embora existam outros sistemas de Forex muito menos dispendiosos (na verdade, você provavelmente já comprou um ou mais desses "pseudo-sistemas" no passado), nenhum deles possui o poder, a precisão ou o potencial para fazer o que Triad faz.
Aqui está o que torna a tríade melhor.
Ao contrário de praticamente todos os outros sistemas de negociação de Forex no planeta, a Triad é fundamentalmente projetada para ajustar os negócios que realiza com base inteiramente em que condição de mercado existe no momento em que cada comércio é colocado.
Se você deve lucrar com uma base regular e consistente, que você PRECISA fazer se quiser negociar como eu faço (ou pelo menos para uma renda suplementar saudável) você precisa de um sistema que se "auto-adapta" constantemente mudanças nas condições de mercado.
Agora pense em TRIAD como um trio de pneus de corrida de alto desempenho.
enquanto você ainda está dirigindo!
Bem, isso é exatamente o que isso significa quando você está negociando com o poder da TRIAD!
De fato, com a Triad é ainda melhor porque você não precisa pressionar o botão. O sistema é "inteligente" o suficiente para fazer isso por você.
Aqui está um exemplo: este gráfico mostra o quão eficaz é a tecnologia auto-adaptativa, pois estamos passando tranqüilamente de uma condição de mercado para a próxima. Observe como não importa a condição em que os mercados se comercializam, a TRIAD se adapta e ganha lucros ao longo do caminho.
Então, se você ainda não o esquivou, o TRIAD é, na verdade, uma combinação de três estratégias de negociação lucrativas independentes (daí o nome, & ldquo; TRIAD & rdquo;)
E os benefícios reais para a negociação TRIAD don & rsquo; t vêm até que você comece a negociar as três estratégias AT ONCE!
O problema, no entanto, é que a maioria dos comerciantes que conheci não tem três sistemas de negociação rentáveis ​​independentes em seu portfólio. Eles têm um que funciona 1/3 do tempo na melhor das hipóteses!
E agora você pode estar começando a ver por que sua negociação não foi tão lucrativa como você gostaria!
Não só é mais rentável.
& hellip; ele também é muito MAIS DIVERTIDO porque você está no mercado e coloca negócios enquanto todos os outros estão sentados na cerca.
TRIAD sempre lhe dá perdas claras e lucros, de modo que potenciais down-sides são protegidos e seus lucros são estabelecidos antes que você faça um único negócio!
Eu Completamente Elimino 100% de Todos "Segunda Adivinhação"
Quem trocou antes sabe que a parte mais difícil é lidar com suas emoções! Devo levar esse próximo comércio, ou ignorá-lo? Devo sair agora, ou aguentar um pouco mais. Devo cortar minhas perdas ou esperar até que ela se vire? Quantas vezes você adivinhou, apenas para se chutar por não ter um comércio que acabou por ser um vencedor. Ou aguardou muito tempo para um perdedor, transformando uma pequena perda em um total apagamento!
Com a Triad, os jogos de adivinhação acabaram.
Você sempre terá uma regra de regras extremamente simples e explosivamente poderosa, e você sempre saberá exatamente quando levar seu próximo comércio.
Próximo Você Precisa entender a "lacuna de subjetividade"
Deixe-me ficar contente por um momento. A maioria dos sistemas, educação e treinamento não funcionam para a maioria dos comerciantes por um simples motivo. Eles te ensinam teoria, eles te ensinam estratégia, mas nunca te ensinam os últimos 10% do que você realmente precisa para ser bem-sucedido. como fazer uma decisão "subjetiva" espontânea. É a ironia final, porque você está tão perto, ainda que até agora, são os últimos 10% que fazem a diferença ALL. Além disso, talvez tenhamos uma imagem de uma montanha com um subtítulo como "É como estar a pouca distância do pico de uma montanha, mas não ter o gelo escolhido para fazer os últimos 50 pés"
Você vê quase todos os sistemas lá fora tem um elemento subjetivo, é exatamente como a maioria dos sistemas são projetados. E há uma boa razão para esses sistemas subjetivos não ensiná-lo a superar esse problema. Você não pode ensinar, não é possível. E, infelizmente, é o que separa os comerciantes vencedores dos comerciantes perdedores.
Independentemente da quantidade de teoria que você aprenda sobre negociação, a maioria dos sistemas vem tomando uma decisão subjetiva de última hora e, a menos que você tenha muitos anos de experiência comercial ao seu dispor, você provavelmente não fará a decisão certa com bastante força para obter ganhos fora do mercado.
Qual é exatamente o motivo pelo qual você está lutando agora (não se preocupe, você não está sozinho, ouvimos isso o tempo todo.)
Com o poder da Tríade atrás de você, você sempre receberá entradas e saídas exatas, bem como perdas de parada pré-definidas.
Em todos os negócios que você toma!
Isso permite que todos os donos da Tríade tenham os mesmos negócios que eu, os mesmos negócios que faço para ganhar minha vida como comerciante em tempo integral. E quando você se tornar um dono da Tríade, você estará tomando exatamente os mesmos negócios que eu tomo.
Com que frequência você ajudou a um comércio muito longo nosso de ganância e, então, sem esperança, observou como o mercado recuperou seus lucros?
Ou. Vendido muito cedo por medo, apenas para assistir o preço que você "pensou" soltaria em vez disso?
Você não está um pouco cansado de deixar as emoções "interferir" com você negociando?
Com Triad o medo e a ganância. são aniquilados.
Não há mais adivinhação.
Não há mais "sobre negociação" para compensar perdas.
Não mais chutando por falta de grandes movimentos (eu pego quase todos eles)
Em outras palavras, GONE é a subjetividade.
À medida que você está aprendendo o poder da Triad Trading Formula, nós recomendamos a maioria dos novos proprietários para começar com uma conta prática, então eles não arriscam um centavo. (E se você não tem uma conta de prática, não se preocupe. Vamos mostrar-lhe como obter um em cerca de 90 segundos.) Somente quando estiver pronto e demonstrado ao seu próprio nível de conforto que o sistema funciona Para você, você usa dinheiro real.
Uma vez que você provou a si mesmo que você pode ganhar dinheiro de forma rara, você está pronto para aumentar sua negociação. Você não faz nada diferente exceto mover dos "assentos baratos" para assentos laterais. De repente, você está fazendo negócios maiores e de maior lucro fazendo o mesmo que você era antes. Porque.
Esta é a magia do nosso plano. Uma vez que você conhece, você pode negociar lotes maiores e levar negócios muito maiores sem alterar nada além do custo de admissão. É simples assim!
Jason - Este e-mail é minha pequena tentativa de contrariar o que eu percebo como um excesso de negatividade e desconfiança no mundo de varejo forex. Não preciso de nada de você, exceto para expressar minha gratidão pelo desenvolvimento do seu sistema.
Eu percebi que lhe enviei um e-mail anterior expressando confusão sobre a forma como as setas indicadoras pintam e você redirecionou-me adequadamente para as fitas de treinamento e o manual. Examinei dezenas de sistemas forex e lidei com muitos sistemas altamente promovidos (principalmente pelo fornecedor).
Não consigo lembrar quando lidei com alguém de sua integridade e compromisso com seus clientes / estagiários. Eu percebo que juntando-se ao grupo da tríade, tenho a oportunidade de me tornar uma raridade: um comerciante de varejo de varejo genuinamente bem-sucedido. Então, obrigado, tanto pelo seu trabalho árduo.
Então, vamos agora agora, porque aqui está.
Como posso ajudá-lo a começar no Forex FAST!
Lembre-se do equívoco # 3?
Deixe-me lembrá-lo no caso de você ter esquecido o que era (é um BIGGIE) e vale a pena repetir:
3) O trading forex é difícil, complicado e leva anos para dominar, então, como você está aprendendo, você precisa "pagar suas dívidas" - e perder regularmente é de se esperar (não se preocupe, pensei que esse era o caso também !)
Imagine simplesmente assistir seu computador por 2 horas ou menos por dia, ou se preferir.
Os mesmos sinais comerciais que eu gerava.
Quase 6000 pips no ano passado (e isso foi APENAS com meus negócios de swing).
TRIAD dá-lhe linhas e setas para que você sempre tenha entradas e saídas cristalinas.
A TRIAD também lhe dá perdas claras e lucros, de modo que os lados descendentes em potencial são protegidos e seus lucros são estabelecidos antes de entrar no trade & hellip, eliminando o "fator de complicação" que impede a maioria dos comerciantes de superar a corcunda e continuar para se tornar comerciantes profissionais de calção!
E lembre-se, há.
Nenhuma experiência necessária!
Na verdade, eu prefiro assim. Não vou ter muitos mitos e contos de fadas. Eu vou ter que ajudá-lo a não aprender. Não há maus hábitos para quebrar, o que, aliás, é por isso que muitas pessoas no Forex estão quebradas. Eles nunca aprenderam uma maneira simples, sólida e comprovada de extrair dinheiro do mercado.
Eles não têm um sistema comprovado para mostrar o caminho. Eles não têm um mentor para segurar sua mão. Eles não têm um "sistema auto-adaptativo" como você irá - e eles definitivamente não têm indicadores que digam para comprar quando as setas são verdes e vendam quando as setas são vermelhas!
Então, se você pode seguir as setas coloridas, você pode trocar a Tríade!
Então, como você pode ver claramente, quando você tem um roteiro que literalmente o guia através do campo minado que o mercado forex pode ser, você está em melhor forma!
A maioria dos comerciantes aprende mal hábitos. Sentam-se e olham as cartas o dia todo. Eles ouvem "Squawk Box" para obter dicas. Eles trocam com a disciplina de um impulsivo de 3 anos com ADD. É por isso que o governo exige que digamos que você pode perder dinheiro no Forex. Porque para algumas pessoas, é como entregar uma pistola carregada a um chimpanzé.
É por isso que eu gosto de ensinar novas pessoas - se eles aprendem o caminho certo desde o início, eu não tenho que passar por toda a reestruturação mental que eu faria com um comerciante experiente - mas perde.
Eu compartilharei algo com você. Eu tenho que ser um comerciante muito, muito bem sucedido por causa da Triad Trading Formula. E também fiz outras pessoas muito bem sucedidas.
Mesmo um novato completo pode trocar a tríade.
A razão pela qual um iniciante completo pode negociar como um profissional é porque a Triad expõe o funcionamento interno do mercado. Ninguém mais tem esse tipo de informação! Você realmente entende, uma visão do que está acontecendo, seria impossível fora de uma sala de comércio de alta tecnologia em um banco internacional.
No entanto, é tão simples de aprender que um filho de 12 anos poderia dominá-lo.
Agora, realmente, não estou tentando ser arrogante quando digo isso. mas se você não pode fazer negócios de alto lucro depois de entender completamente o mercado, então você precisa encontrar outra carreira. É como ter um GPS e um roteiro para uma estrada bem marcada, iluminada por farol de 2000 watts. e um guia para manter sua mão todo o caminho.
Então, aqui está o acordo - o que eu estou lhe oferecendo é o último sistema de criação de dinheiro que você sempre precisará viver no rico estilo de vida de um comerciante de alta potência, não importa o que a economia esteja fazendo. Na verdade, se você não está ficando louco tentando encontrar o botão da ordem agora, então suas glândulas gordurosas devem estar no suporte vital.
A verdade é que negociar com a Triada não é ciência do foguete. Na verdade, é quase embaraçoso o quão fácil é aprender, e quanto dinheiro eu e meu membro estão fazendo com isso.
Mas exige a capacidade de realizar ações mínimas. É o mínimo que preciso de um membro da minha equipe para poder fazer.
Então, tome a simples ação de clicar no botão abaixo, e eu o vejo a bordo. Vamos ganhar uma tonelada de dinheiro juntos!
E comerciantes de todos os dias? Meus alunos expulsam-nos. É fácil conseguir isso com o método simples que eu dou. Na verdade, eles ficariam aborrecidos, se não ganhasse tanto dinheiro para eles.
E você é o próximo. Porque finalmente estou pronto para revelar.
Então, a questão dos prazos é a questão. e está aqui onde o TRIAD realmente brilha.
Isso é porque o TRIAD pode ser negociado.
praticamente qualquer período de tempo.
Isso é porque TRIAD pode ser trocado em praticamente qualquer time-frame e hellip, de 15 minutos gráficos todo o caminho para gráficos semanais e hellip;
Então, se você gosta de escalar os mercados o dia todo, todos os dias, ou você é mais um comerciante de swing e hellip;
& hellip; TRIAD se encaixa perfeitamente em seu estilo de vida comercial.
Triad's Click and Take Profit System.
Sim, eu sei o que você está pensando. É suposto ser complexo, perigoso, etc. Deixe-me assegurar-lhe, eu vou levá-lo pela mão, e nós faremos passos de bebê juntos. Com o meu método paint-by-numbers, não é difícil se você pode seguir instruções simples.
Mas primeiro, aqui estão quatro fatos sobre esse mercado Forex:
Este mercado é composto pela compra e venda de moedas. Praticamente todos os países da terra estão envolvidos, mas os quatro principais são o Dólar dos Estados Unidos, a Libra britânica, o iene japonês e o euro da União Européia.
Você pode agora ter uma idéia de por que todos esses bancos e fundos de hedge estavam fazendo bilhões de dólares antes de comprarem hipotecas ruins. Eles deveriam ficar presos com o Forex.
Olhe para Warren Buffet, a principal mente de investimento do mundo, que investiu mais de US $ 10 bilhões em moedas! Ou George Soros, provavelmente um dos gestores de fundos mais respeitados do planeta, teve um pressentimento de que a libra britânica estava indo para o sul e empatada em mais de um MILHÃO de dólares - em um único dia!
Você provavelmente sabe que a Chrysler faz carros, mas a maioria das pessoas não tem a menor idéia de que, em alguns trimestres, a Chrysler ganhou mais dinheiro ao investir no Forex do que na venda de carros!
Era uma vez um homem que queria escalar uma montanha enorme. Ele comprou o melhor equipamento, contratou um guia e começou a subir. Estava cansativo.
Quando chegou à cimeira, seu momento de triunfo foi imediatamente quebrado quando viu um jovem no topo.
"Como você chegou aqui?" O alpinista queria saber.
O jovem respondeu: "Peguei o helicóptero".
Tríade é o helicóptero que o leva ao topo.
Então, apenas para revisar.
TRIAD adapta-se automaticamente a TODAS AS TRÊS CONDIÇÕES DE MERCADO (o que significa que você se beneficia, enquanto outros comerciantes estão sentados à margem e ao hellip;
Isso lhe dá entradas claras, saídas e sinais de stop-loss (então você sempre sabe EXACTAMENTE quando entrar e quando sair eliminando essa longa e difícil curva de aprendizado), e & hellip;
It & rsquo; s funciona para todos os prazos e todos os comerciantes (incluindo SCALPERS e SWING TRADERS) & hellip;
"E Triad fica emocionante quando você descobre que é uma estratégia avançada de multiplicadores de dupla e baixa"
É aqui que começa a verdadeira diversão! Já assisti Jeopardy? Eles têm algo que eles chamam de "Daily Double". É muito próximo do que estou prestes a revelar aqui.
Esta é uma estratégia que eu aprendi ao negociar os hedge funds de elite dos ultra-ricos. Você não pode obtê-lo em qualquer outro lugar. Quem sabe que não vai ensinar isso - porque a estratégia Double-Down é tanto o bilhete da refeição quanto o ingresso na riqueza.
É como entrar no casino de Las Vegas, tomar as "odds da casa" e colocá-las a seu favor. Sob as condições de mercado corretas, a Triad irá dizer quando é hora do "Daily Double".
Se você ficar com o sistema e não gastar todos os seus ganhos em carros e férias de luxo, você poderia ser a inveja de todos os seus vizinhos que estão se perguntando por que eles têm que comutar, suar e curar seus chefes enquanto você faz isso parecer tão Fácil trabalhar em casa.
Mas há uma falha com meu sistema.
O meu sistema não ganha todas as vezes. Nenhum sistema pode. E eu estou registrando em dizer-lhe que eu perdi negociações. No entanto, eu fui de um ajustador de seguro de esforço, forçado a viajar 5 dias fora de cada semana apenas para ganhar dinheiro com um profissional de Forex em tempo integral.
Então não, meu sistema não é perfeito, mas com certeza mudou minha vida. E, uma vez que você estará tomando exatamente os mesmos negócios que eu tomo, sinto-me confiante de que também pode mudar a sua vida.
E quando você está em festas e as pessoas querem saber o segredo para o seu sucesso e se preocuparem, pergunte-lhe o que você faz para ganhar a vida, eles serão surpreendidos quando você disser.
"Eu sou um comerciante de moeda internacional"
Atrás de você está de volta eles podem chamá-lo de "Warren Buffet" ou "Mr. Rockefeller", mas eles ficarão com ciúmes de seu sucesso e implorar para descobrir o seu segredo. Mesmo se você contar sobre Triad, isso não afetará seus resultados com o sistema. Você pode continuar a experimentar resultados melhor do que você ousou sonhar.
Na verdade, é um pouco assustador o quanto as pessoas realmente fazem trading Forex. Uma vez que você tenha um sistema - assim como o uso dos profissionais - você poderá trocar com confiança sempre que você "puxar o gatilho".
É assim que os ricos ganham dinheiro durante a recessão. E até agora, ninguém está disposto a deixar o gato sair da bolsa. E eles também não precisam. A mística do câmbio estrangeiro possui bastante intriga como é para os recém-chegados. Como um mago profissional, eles tentam manter seus olhos fora, onde o dinheiro real é.
Até agora você deve estar pensando que um mercado como o Forex é certamente.
"O segredo mais sentido até agora"
E você ficaria certo. Claro, eles vão deixar você ver parte disso. Mas não é a parte que vou mostrar, a parte em que os profissionais sicam dinheiro por anos. perfeitamente legal, mas mantido em segredo do público.
Na verdade, o Forex recebeu um nome ruim por propósito, já que a maioria das pessoas não tem idéia de como ele funciona. E para manter seus olhos fora da bola.
Há pouco dinheiro para os meios de comunicação e os boates no mundo financeiro. É muito grande para as corporações manipularem. A CNBC não pode fazer o som de câmbio emocionante. E como não há comissões para pagar por investir nele, os corretores odeiam isso.
Não é de admirar que Forex receba mais imprensa do que o crime organizado.
Agentes de ações dizem que é perigoso. mas é menos volátil do que o mercado de ações de alto risco! Especialmente depois de perderem dinheiro de aposentadoria de todos.
Então, se alguém lhe disser que o comércio de Forex é perigoso, acene com a cabeça e concorde com eles. Diga-lhes que podem perder muito dinheiro. Então sorria e pergunte se eles já ouviram falar de "The Human Computer".
Quando seu rosto fica em branco e seus olhos ficam vazios, apenas sorria de novo. E toque sua carteira.
Veja, a verdade é.
"O mercado de câmbio é o.
Última melhor esperança para o pequeno investidor.
Quem quer amasser riqueza "
E especialmente agora.
Aqui está o porquê: o dinheiro inteligente está fugindo de Wall Street em pânico. Mesmo a Merrill Lynch informou em 12 de janeiro de 2009 que os grandes investidores estão "despejando" ações e fundos mútuos.
E eles são diretos para o corretor Forex mais próximo.
O que nos traz de volta para onde começamos: a oportunidade única de ganhar dinheiro com isso. Com a inundação de novas pessoas entrando no Forex, você pode entrar agora para entrar em frente.
E todos os novatos, sem um método vencedor como você, estarão se alinhando para lhe dar grandes porções de seu dinheiro. Porque no Forex você está negociando com os profissionais ou contra os profissionais. Onde você prefere fazer suas apostas?
Você pode ser o único que entrega o que ele prega. Obrigado pela sua autenticidade e integridade. Sem contar as grandes recompensas que você receberá por ajudar tantas pessoas. Isso é incrível e impressionante que você está literalmente servindo muitas, muitas pessoas e imaginar que você é um elo chave em seu processo de crescer e atingir alturas e sonhos mais recentes. Obrigado por ser tão altruísta.
Como é isso para ganhar dinheiro durante um dos tempos econômicos mais difíceis da história?
Este sistema pode mostrar pessoas de novatos to profissionais de Forex um sistema simples e fácil que funciona. mesmo nos tempos difíceis de hoje.
Porque com o sistema que você receberá para o seu novo negócio Forex, você estará ativando.
Uma vantagem legal "legal"?
Pela primeira vez em qualquer lugar, você obtém uma vantagem injusta sobre outras pessoas no Forex com seu novo sistema high-end (mas enganosamente simples). A Triad dá a um novato a experiência comercial de um veterano do mercado, com o poder de encontrar.
A "Zona do dinheiro", uma área específica em torno da qual você entra no mercado. onde você coloca sua meta de lucro e sua saída de segurança para obter o máximo lucro. Olha, qualquer pessoa pode entrar no mercado a qualquer momento. Mas minha estratégia define seus alvos e segurança para criar e fechar negociações automaticamente com lucros maciços. Estas novas táticas farão aumentar o seu saldo bancário!
Aqui está a linha de fundo: mesmo se você nunca colocou um comércio de Forex em sua vida, você terá um sistema fácil de usar que o coloca em par com os comerciantes mais sofisticados, de alta potência e ricos no mercado .
E com essa arma secreta, eles nunca verão você vir.
Na noite passada, comprei seu "material".
Quero deixar você saber que até agora estou muito impressionado.
Estive em torno do mundo comercial há anos. e este é o primeiro.
sistema que eu vi que está tão bem descrito e documentado.
"Se você é sério sobre como fazer REAL Money Trading qualquer mercado ou prazo que você deseja, Triad Trading Formula é a melhor maneira que eu já vi chegar lá".
Triad é uma educação abrangente Forex trading & hellip; que & rsquo; s projetado para se tornar uniforme.
comerciantes iniciantes em especialistas!
Você já ouviu a frase & hellip?
Bem, tão legal quanto isso pode parecer, minha filosofia pessoal é DAR-LHE UM PEIXE & hellip e depois ensinar COMO PESCAR (supondo que você queira aprender) & hellip;
DVD # 1: Getting Started & amp; Configuração do software.
O primeiro módulo é onde eu dou-lhe o & ldquo; fish & rdquo ;.
DVD # 2: Swing Trading With Triad.
Claro, se você quiser saber mais sobre o funcionamento da TRIAD e desenvolver suas habilidades de negociação ainda mais (por exemplo, hellip, aprenda a pescar), minha sugestão é que você continue no Módulo 2 & hellip; Swing Trading!
E se você acha que swing trading é chato?
Pense de novo! Os negócios de swing da tríade são algumas das características mais gratificantes de todo o sistema, porque é quase como ter renda passiva.
Porque é aí que você pega os movimentos GRANDES, com quase nenhum tempo investido. Levando menos de 10 minutos por dia para configurar e ajustar suas negociações, este é o método de negociação mais eficiente do tempo.
DVD # 3: Laser Scalping & trade; Com a Tríade.
No Módulo 3, mostro-lhe minhas estratégias testadas e comprovadas de couro que permitem que você legalmente lblique-se & rdquo; pips do mercado e hellip;
Nós chamamos de laser para o couro cabeludo porque a tecnologia única da Triad permite que você seja tão afiado quanto o laser de alta intensidade quando se trata de identificar oportunidades de curto prazo nos mercados de Forex em movimento rápido.
Se você quer trocar o mercado abre apenas, lançamentos de pré-notícias, ou simplesmente sente-se quando tiver algum tempo e troque com poder e confiança, este módulo irá mostrar-lhe exatamente como fazer isso.
Neste momento, no treinamento, você terá uma excelente compreensão do TRIAD e de como funciona. Mas para aqueles que realmente querem MASTER Triad, eu vou sugerir que você analise os Módulos 4 & ndash; 6 também & hellip;
Então, se os módulos 1 a 3 são como aprender a dirigir um carro & hellip; modules 4 & ndash; 6 são como aprender a reconstruir um motor de combustão interna e hellip;
Em outras palavras: Assim como você não precisa entender como os motores funcionam para dirigir um carro, você não precisa entender como cada estratégia individual funciona para trocar TRIAD! Mas para aqueles que querem pegar um pico sob o capô, oferecemos isso também.
DVD # 4: Trend Finder & trade;
Trend Finder & trade; é sistema de tendências Tríades,
e é projetado para fazer SOMENTE uma coisa: pegar tendências críticas e legítimas sem ser pego em falhas falsas ou perder os principais movimentos.
In this module, you will learn all the rules and the exact methodology behind Trend Finder to help you avoid the false breakouts, and get into the massive moves that can often make your entire trading month.
DVD #5: Squish Squash™
Odd name, but a deadly powerful component.
of the Triad Formula. Squish-Squash™ jumps into action when the markets are choppy.
When most traders are sitting on the sidelines Triad traders capitalize on the unique Squish-Squash™strategy by using our proprietary Momentum Filter™which is able to pull out multiple "smaller target" trades repeatedly.
This module will teach you exactly how to identify the difference between these false signals, and the trades that you don't want to miss!
DVD #6: Target Breakout ™
A breakout system in your portfolio is vital to making the most amount of money you can in the market in the shortest amount of time.
Triads Target Breakout™ strategy specializes in pinpointing the most likely location to find potential breakouts—and catch them as soon as they appear.
Locking in profits is much easier if you are able to identify when the trend is beginning, and can get in sooner rather than later.
In this module you will learn how to identify when the trend is beginning, how to know when the time is right to jump in, and how to protect yourself from entering too soon and getting stopped out.
Triad's Full Color Comprehensive Manual.
Triad's comprehensive Tradeing Manual included with your course package has several key sections. You'll have examples of each of our main strategies including chart examples for the multiple time market conditions and frames it trades. Sections on trading hours, trade placement types as well.
as exit strategies are included.
But REMEMBER, no studying is required to learn Triad, you can just plug it in and GO!
This is for thoes who really want to know what's under the hood, and if that's not you, no worrries, you can begin trading Triad from day one with our "plug and play" indicators.
For thoes who do,,oney management is discussed along with position sizing. The manual is a roadmap of the different components that make up Triad, easy to follow guide with charts, and content that will assist you in getting started quickly with the course and mastering the strategy.
But Who Am I and Why Should You Even.
My name is Jason Fielder, and I am a professional trader. A dang good one at that.
The fact that you haven’t heard of me is no surprise. I have never been comfortable in the spotlight and have purposely remained “underground” for the better part of my trading career.
I don’t try to get on CNBC, and…
I don’t go from city to city doing “dog and pony shows” so I can sell a room-full of people my overpriced, piece-of-crap, blinking-light, “black box” Programas.
I’m a trader, a system developer, a husband, and an amateur surfer (not necessarily in that order as my wife likes to remind me), and those four activities never left room for much else.
Now let me tell you a bit more about me.
In 2004 I Had a Job that Paid Me a High.
The Only Problem Was I Hated My Life.
I've been studying the financial markets for the past 18 years and have been an active Forex trader for the past 7 years. But it wasn't until 2006 that I become a full-time, professional trader.
You see, once upon a time I had what most would consider to be a pretty good job. I made very good money and got to travel quite a bit. The only problem was, I had no time to enjoy it!
My life lost all balance:
I was constantly sick from lack of sleep and over-work (and taking a sick day was NOT an option).
And for all I know, things would have remained that way had I not been awoken one night with a sharp pain in my chest.
I've Never Been So Afraid In All My Life.
I Thought My Heart Was About To Stop.
This was one of those nights I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy.
I've never had a heart attack (thank God), but from everything I had read and heard it felt like I was having one in my very own bed, with my wife still asleep right next to me. It had been years since I had been to a doctor, but even I knew this wasn't the kind of thing that could be ignored.
I rushed to the emergency room and was immediately admitted. Thankfully my "scare" turned out to be nothing more than acid reflux brought on by - what else. stress.
I left the hospital greateful that my heart was still ticking, but on the way home my wife said something I'll never forget. Ela disse.
"Is it going to take a real heart attack to actually get you to slow down?"
She had said things like this in the past but this time it really hit me.
There was no light at the end of the tunnel for me. not anytime soon at least. Unless I did something to change it, this would be my life 20, maybe even 30 years (assuming my body didn't give out before then).
20 - 30 years. that was simply a price I was unwilling to pay.
So the Next Monday I Did Something That Most Men Will Never Have the Guts To Do.
Next to my psuedo heart attack this was probably the scariest thing I've done in my life. After all, what kind of moron would leave a safe, secure 6-figure career?
Who does that kind of thing?
Simple: Someone with options.
And fortunately, thanks to Triad, I did have options. and you will too.
Once you understand the basics of the Triad System, you'll be ready for the "bells and whistles".
But March of 2006, one of those “life-changing events” occurred that would change all that.
It happened while attending an advanced trading workshop in Houston, TX…
While at the workshop, I was struck by how almost everyone in attendance (including the expert speakers and panelists) were approaching their trading business in completely the wrong way . Virtually all of them had massive holes in their trading strategies and none had a method for trading during all three market conditions: trends, counter-trends and breakouts.
It was at that moment when I realized I had something…something that 99.9% of the active traders out there didn’t have:
A strategic formula for consistently pulling massive profits out of almost any market, no matter how that market is moving (up, down or sideways).
Student Support & Constant Follow Up.
When I began investing in educational products years ago, my biggest "pet peeve" was that the "guru" would disappear right after they made the sale. While the product may have been good, if I had questions, I had nowhere to turn. This drove me CRAZY!
That's why, when I started my company, I made a promise to myself to always provide student support so that the individuals who invested in my products could ultimately achieve the goals they had in mind in the first place. This is so important to me.
So let's examine all of the extra support "goodies" you get when you become an owner of The Triad System.
"I Sincerely Want Traders of All Levels.
To Have Access To The Power Of Triad. "
And as you may be aware, television networks like CNN and CNBC and newspapers like the Wall Street Journal are happy to give you trading advice for free……and most of the time that’s exactly what the advice is worth: NOTHING!
Then there are the less-expensive “pseudo systems”.
And then there are the trading “robots”…
In my opinion, that’s NOT a recipe for long-term trading success. (Remember, I’m “teaching you to fish” AND “giving you the fish”…)
And finally, there are the real-world, tested and proven trading systems like TRIAD.
And the ones that are sold to the public aren’t cheap…
In fact, $5000 and $10000 price tags are fairly standard (and in some cases they’re worth every single penny…)
At the $10,000 price-point, only the most elite traders will be able to afford these systems, and I sincerely want beginners and intermediate traders in this group as they can spread the word just as quickly (if not more so) as the more advanced traders.
…but even the best of these HIGH-END, professional trading strategies still don’t “auto-adapt” to all three market conditions like TRIAD does!
So arguably I would be justified in charging much more than even $5000 and $10000 systems that only work in one market condition…
To keep these systems within the reach of all serious traders, I'll reduce the initial investment in Triad to FAR less than HALF of what other other developers are charging for just a single market system.
In other words, your required investment to participate in the Triad Trading Formula (and get access to all three systems described above) won't be $5000.
And to make it a total no-brainer, I’m going to do something that very few system developers will ever allow you to do…
I’m going to let you review TRIAD for a full 45 days. Install it on your computer…setup a demo account and see for your own eyes that it works.
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The Trading Triad.
To be a successful trader it is generally believed that you need to excel on three counts:
When new traders experience setbacks they will often be told it is their mindset which is at fault. Armchair trading psychologist will say they don’t have a winning mentality, they are too greedy, too fearful – any number of negative personality traits which imply they just aren’t born to make it as a trader.
I cannot dispute that this may be the case but attitude doesn’t occur in a vacuum.
It is much easier to have a positive trading perspective if you also have confidence in your analysis and have a structure to your trade management.
Which is why there is a Trading Triad – success in one area is dependant on success in the other two.
Turn a vicious circle into a virtuous one.
Learning to trade takes time and constant improvement. A phrase I heard on a seminar many years ago, from the popular business speaker Keith Cunningham, was that rather than “practice to be perfect” we should instead: practice to improve.
Accept that trading demands you continually improve in all areas of the Trading Triad and each step forward in one will help you improve in the other two. Keeping your movement through the triad liquid will enable you to quickly progress as a trader.
Análise técnica.
There’s no one right place to start as each part is dependent on the others. But a good grounding in technical analysis is something you can undertake which is relatively straightforward.
There are many different characteristics to trading with each producing their own challenges. Technical analysis is the most academically demanding of those – you do have to concentrate to learn this new skill.
As such analysing charts is often considered to be the most time-consuming aspect of trading. Learning how to read price action, chart patterns, candlestick formations and other indicators is like learning a new language and can be daunting – you have to really persevere until finally it clicks into place.
Once you have assimilated this information the next step is to put a system in place to determine your entry points. Using a combination of technical indicators to give these signals is the first step in building a strategy.
TDT Tip: If developing your own strategy it may take several attempts of various indicator combinations to find one that works for you. You should test each combination numerous times to assess its validity. See my article “ Is you trade a dud or a dude? ” for how to differentiate a good from a bad trade.
Gestão comercial.
How well you manage your trades will determine your profit margin. Cut your losses short and let your winners run is a well known trading adage.
Trade management is the second part to building a strategy.
Again, if you are receiving mentorship or training this should be part of what’s included in your package. You should understand why you are entering a trade and how to manage it. Don’t allow yourself to be bamboozled with techno-jargon. You should understand the strategy, at least in principle.
If you are self-learning then you must build a set of parameters to tell you where your initial stop loss should be, how you will manage a winning trade and what determines an exit from the trade.
TDT Tip: See my article “ Risk: Can you handle it? ” on how to minimise losses and maximise winners. Mitigating risk is an essential part of trading to improve your bottom line.
Regardless of whether you use someone else’s system or you build your own, you must have confidence in it.
If you are confident with your technical analysis skills then you will understand why you are entering and how you should manage a trade to gain optimum profits. If you are using a third party strategy without understanding it then it will be extremely challenging to stick with it during a period of successive failed trades.
Trading attitude.
It’s far easier to have a positive mental attitude towards your trading if you have a good strategy in place. You need to have confidence in the system you use and the best way to do this is to understand how and why it works.
There will still be some psycho-gremlins to work on, however. Trading, for the vast majority of people, is a completely different way of thinking. Success in other professions is no guarantee of success in trading.
Most people with a higher education (a degree or professional qualification) tend to find technical analysis the easiest aspect of the triad to master. They are used to dealing with multiple data streams and looking for patterns or connections. However, technical analysis is also a visual art, so many people with a more practical persuasion also find this quite straightforward to understand.
Issues arise with the sheer volume of indicators that have been created and developed over the years. While software is invaluable in helping us with our analysis it can result in information-overload.
Concentrating on the bigger picture is essential to trading – those new to trading tend to get bogged down in the small details. They will try too hard to identify chart/candlestick patterns to the extent that they will sometimes see things which aren’t actually there.
The best advice I can offer here and do to all our Dynamic Trader members is to keep it simple. Don’t rely on an indicator which is too complex for you to understand. And stick to chart/candlestick patterns that jump off the page at you – don’t go looking for them.
Trade management is often the most difficult to master. Anyone can enter and exit a trade, but how to get the most profit from a move is a lot more tricky.
It’s surprising how often we, subconsciously or otherwise, look for confirmation from others when making decisions. In fact, the best leaders are those that most accurately anticipate popular demand.
The markets don’t give us the same clues as to what is going to happen next. We only have probabilities from previous events. To some extent we can dip our toe in – to test the water – by entering with a small position. This helps build confidence, rather than going ‘all-in’ on a ‘sure thing’.
As price goes in our favour we can steadily increase our stake. Again, this builds confidence and takes away the necessity of having to be right from the get-go. This can be quite a new concept to many people, especially the more ambitious among us who are attracted to trading. Slow-and-steady wins the day in trading so these personality types will find this aspect of trading easier. However, these same people can be a little less decisive so actually entering the trade in the first place may be a challenge!
Everyone has to make a psychological adjustment when they start trading. It shouldn’t have to be a big shift, just be prepared to accept you can’t always be right, that you need to learn and that you will need to modify your thinking.
We all get into trading for the money. It sounds like a relatively simple and time-efficient way of making some extra cash and improving our lifestyles.
But trading has different ideas. It only wants the very best – the smartest, the most efficient, and the most devout – to succeed.
Only the very few can claim to be the very best at all three components of the Trading Triad. And that’s okay – because most people abandon trading without ever realising that to just be good at these three aspects of trading is enough to become an extremely successful trader.
There will always be one area at which you excel. But through practice and hard work you can easily become above-average in the other two. And this, in turn, will produce extraordinary results.
About Anne Chapman.
Comentários estão fechados.
9k is an excellent weeks work by any standard, I know i am finally on the right path.
It is quite unbelievable really the transformation. I’ve heard people saying how easy trading can be in the past but never quite grasped that concept until now. I am still learning something new every other week from your new blog, videos etc which is absolutely 1st class. I will give myself another six months to take in and hone what I have learned from you before i take the next step. I’ve no need to rush and can only improve.
Thank you for the patience you have shown Javid and for the amazing methods you have shared with me, its so exciting and I am so looking forward to and focused on a new and prosperous journey. TDT IS AMAZING!
Dynamic Trader is Amazing.
The real effectiveness of Javid’s mentoring comes from his patient guidance through the professional software while you apply his tried and tested forex strategies. He explains new and powerful information in a clear and easy to understand way. If you want to be the best you have to learn from the best and Javid provides that opportunity.
Easy to Understand Strategies.
Like most beginners I was not successful and ready to quit since I thought trading was not for me. Dynamic Traders dedication, patience and a very accessible way to explain concepts changed my vision completely: when before meeting them I considered 20/30 pips a great gain now, after following their tuition, making thousands of pips has become a reality!
1000’s of Pips a Reality.
© 2017 The Dynamic Trader. Todos os direitos reservados.
Tradutor dinâmico. Fetcham Park, Lower Road, Fetcham. Surrey. KT22 9HD.

Trading triad success system

Now You Can Begin Your Candlestick Charting Education With The Best Foundational Training Ever Developed.
By Steve Nison, The Father Of Modern Candlesticks!
Get started now with "Candle Charting Essentials & Beyond - Volume 1"
Steve Nison is ready to help you catch the next big move and achieve your highest trading goals!
Hi, Steve Nison here.
As you probably know, I was the first to reveal candlestick charts to the West. And my goal is helping you become the best trader possible. Como? By showing you how to fully exploit candlestick charts to help increase profits and decrease market. And to make sure you are using them correctly!
That is why I am excited to announce my brand new DVD Candle Charting Essentials & Beyond - Volume 1 . Filmed in crystal clear clarity at one of my rare full day seminars, these DVDs are so comprehensive . so loaded with "ready-to-use" methods, tips, techniques, and ideas . you'll be ready to trade like a pro! That’s because I divulge many of the very same secret trading tactics that I have taught to market makers, institutional traders and professional hedge fund and money managers around the world.
It’s a perfect way for beginners to start, but it’s also well suited for experienced traders or investors who want to make sure they’re using candlesticks correctly to achieve supreme timing entering and exiting any market in any time frame (including options).
The Candle Charting Essentials & Beyond - Volume 1 training Program is fun, fast-paced, and will give you what I believe is the best trading education you'll ever give yourself.
The best part is, you'll see a tremendous improvement in your insight and confidence the very next trading day!
Here's A Look At Exactly What You'll Gain From.
This New DVD Training Program.
The "Candle Charting Essentials & Beyond" (Volume 1 of the Candlecharts Educational Series) DVD Training Program is the equivalent of a full-day seminar , taking you from the beginning to a strong intermediate level in Nison Candlesticks. candlestick training the RIGHT way.
Simple And Easy For Any Trader Or Investor To Quickly Master.
. In Any Market And Any Time Frame!
IMPORTANT: Watch this video now to listen to the.
traders who attended this original seminar!
This DVD begins building the solid, and correct, foundation for the rest of your candlestick education.
See why candles are used by the most successful traders and analysts and how candles can help you overcome your trading challenges. You will learn how Steve’s Trading Triad™ Success System will put you ahead of those who don’t use this strategy.
After detailing the basic construction of the candlestick line, Steve focuses on one of the most common and misunderstood candle signals - the Doji. Want to know if a breakout is likely to be false? Then pay special attention to the section on Spinning Tops and Doji.
Você acha que as velas são complicadas? Este é apenas um dos mal-entendidos que são explodidos aqui. Até o final deste DVD, você estará começando o caminho para ler com precisão a mensagem do mercado melhor e mais rápido do que nunca.
Aqui está o que você aprenderá:
Why is Steve Nison the source for your candle education Anatomy of the candle line The importance of understanding market psychology The popularity of candles The 7 major benefits of candles How candles can be used in all time frames and all markets Why candles are a tool and not a trading system Introduction to Steve Nison’s Trading Triad™ Success System Why candles give twice the information as a bar chart Using real bodies to gauge force of current move Spinning tops Essentials of Doji Basic Criteria Market Implication Using doji as a protective stop How to help avoid buying on false breakouts Avoiding a common misuse of the doji Shadows Why shadows must be part of your candle analysis Using long lower shadows Using long upper shadows High Wave Candles Basic Criteria Market implication Basic psychology behind the pattern Starting to read the market’s message with single candle lines.
“Premier financial institutions choose him to train their traders, some of whom were already the best in the industry. How often do you get a chance to train with someone at that level, especially in the trading arena?”
“Using candle charts has made me be a more profitable trader.”
— John Bollinger, CFA, CMT.
Creator of Bollinger Bands.
Candles have their own special message. But how do you correctly read their message?
Steve gives you the answer by showing you, step by step, how to read what the candlestick line – both the real body and shadows - is relaying about the health of the market. Using this information, you’ll see the inside secret of how to tell which way the market will break out a trading range.
Not all candle signals are equally valid, and in this DVD, Steve gives you a heads up on which candle signals you must be cautious about – and why. Then see how to use the visual insights of single candle lines - even those that are not specific candle patterns - to accurately gauge when the market is most likely to reverse.
Aqui está o que você aprenderá:
Hammer Essentials Construction Basic criteria Market implications Basic psychology behind the pattern Hammer and trend As support Dragonfly doji Inverted Hammer Essentials Construction Basic criteria Cautions about this pattern Shooting Star Essentials Construction Basic criteria Market implications Basic psychology behind the pattern As resistance Example of wrong candle information Hanging Man Essentials Construction Basic criteria Cautions about this pattern Box range trading - using candles to help predict direction of breakout Single candle line essentials – bringing it all together.
"I recently completed your video workshop and I wish I was introduced to this method a year ago. It would have saved me big bucks."
"I have been learning on my own for about 1.5 years and … I am profitable for the first time in my trading career.”
Você acha que há muitos padrões de castiçal? Then you’ll appreciate how Steve zooms in on some his favorite double candle line patterns - from both the bull and bear side.
Com a ajuda deste DVD, você desenvolverá a confiança para encontrar e usar corretamente, esses padrões de linha de vela dupla mais importantes para configurar um comércio. In this section, you’ll see how to answer the common question of “How do I know when the pattern fails?”
Aqui está o que você aprenderá:
Bullish Engulfing Pattern Essentials Construction Basic criteria Market implications Using as support Basic psychology behind the pattern Piercing Pattern Essentials Construction Basic criteria Market implications Using as support Basic psychology behind the pattern Bull Harami Essentials Construction Basic criteria Market implications Using as support Basic psychology behind the pattern Bearish Engulfing Pattern Essentials Construction Basic criteria Market implications Using as resistance Basic psychology behind the pattern Compared to western outside reversal Dark Cloud Cover Essentials Construction Basic criteria Market implications Using as resistance Basic psychology behind the pattern Bear Harami Essentials Construction Basic criteria Market implications Basic psychology behind the pattern.
“I am almost 62 and looking for a consistent way to move into retirement with supplements to what my wife and I already have. I am so jazzed by the information and wisdom imparted here that I am certain that the financial part of our retirement will be well secured and earlier than we had thought…
"Thank you Steve Nison!”
"The candles allow accurate, precise, earlier entries than anything else that I am aware of … it is almost like continuously ringing the cash register."
This DVD completes the candles reversal patterns as Steve gives the ins and outs of the Morning and Evening Stars.
While most candle patterns are reversal indicators, there are a select group of continuation candles (in which the market continues its current trend). One of these is Steve’s all time favorite candle pattern. You will see how to take advantage of this signal, which is simple to recognize, but will be a boon to your trading prowess.
After a review of what you learned in this and the prior DVDs, Steve will show an example of how NOT to use candlesticks to help you avoid one of the most common, and dangerous, mistakes made by candle traders.
Aqui está o que você aprenderá:
Morning Star Essentials Construction Basic criteria Market implications Basic psychology behind the pattern Using as support Variations Evening Star Essentials Construction Basic criteria Market implications Basic psychology behind the pattern Using as resistance Being flexible Variations Three Advancing White Soldiers Construction Basic criteria Market implications Basic psychology behind the pattern Pattern nuances Rising and Falling Three Methods Definition Construction Pattern nuances Rising and Falling Windows Definition Construction Using for maximum success Common misuses of this signal Breakaway gaps and windows Fry pan bottom – definition, construction and uses Dumpling Top – definition, construction and uses How NOT to use candles!
"His techniques and strategies turned my trading around. It’s very simple and deadly accurate. & quot;
To help you get the most from the DVD Training Program, we've created this handy "Wow!" worksheet for you to record the concepts and ideas that strike you as vital to your candlestick education.
Simply watch the DVDs and then write down the specific concepts you want to either review later or implement immediately into your trading routine!
Available exclusively to those who order directly from Candlecharts.
As you watch the DVDs, it's nice to have a set of all the printed charts Steve uses during the workshop.
That's why we're also including a complete set of the printed handouts that attendees at the live seminar received.
You'll be able to take notes on the charts as you watch the DVDs and learn the new strategies and principles Steve shares with you.
Available exclusively to those who order directly from Candlecharts.
When you receive your "Candle Charting Essentials & Beyond - Vol 1" DVD Training Program, you'll also receive one of the most valuable email addresses you may ever possess.
It is Steve Nison's private email address from which he answers questions only from his institutional clients and a select group of students.
He does NOT answer questions from the general public. And trading firms pay $1,500+ to retain his services.
But when you order "Candle Charting Essentials & Beyond - Vol 1" during this short Exclusive Offer Period, you'll have UNLIMITED access to Steve regarding any topics on the Forex DVD to ensure you are properly using candlestick charts with FOREX.
This bonus is is designed to further enhance your FOREX trading knowledge and ability, and to give you the help you need to continually improve your profits.
Steve Nison, The Father Of.
Modern Candlestick Charting In The West.
Many people claim to teach candlesticks, but there is only one correct source to in the Western world: Nison Candlesticks . candlesticks the right way.
Steve Nison is uniquely qualified to help you fully exploit the opportunities candlestick charts present to today's markets. As a renowned author and speaker, he has the distinction of being the first to reveal candlesticks charts to the Western world.
Mr. Nison is not only the acknowledged master of these previously secret candlestick techniques, but is also an expert on Western technical analysis with over 30 years real world experience.
Regarded as one of the most foremost technical analysts in the world, Mr. Nison’s client list includes Fidelity, J. P. Morgan, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, NYSE and NASDAQ market makers, hedge funds and money managers. He now teaches the public the same secret strategies previously reserved only for his institutional clients.
His work has been highlighted in The Wall Street Journal, Worth Magazine, Institutional Investor and Barron's.
He has presented his trading strategies in 20 countries to traders from almost every investment firm on how to apply – and profit from – these methods. He has also lectured at numerous universities. And he was guest speaker at the World Bank and the Federal Reserve.
This New DVD Training Program Becomes.
Your Overnight Success.
Not long ago a trader friend of mine told me that many years ago he didn't do anything to increase his trading knowledge because he didn't think he could afford it.
Year after year, though, he could never break through and make the kind of profits he really wanted. After a while, the roller coaster of decent wins and gut-wrenching losses began to take a toll on his health.
As most experienced traders like to say, one way or another you'll pay for a trading education.
"Candlestick Charting Essentials & Beyond - Volume 1" is a serious investment in your trading education. But it's the kind of investment that can pay for itself almost immediately.
Just one well-placed trade using these new strategies can put you in the driver seat.
For a limited time, you can get special discounts on customized training packages.
Email Paul Siegel at paul@candlecharts for details!
Answers To Your Frequently Asked Questions.
Q: - I have limited resources. Why are the DVD Workshops a good value?
A: Getting in early on a single trade - or avoiding a bad trade - with the strategies presented in this DVD should more than pay for it. The following quote is a typical comment. “I made $3,468 in my first three days trading. I have made an additional $2,300 in two trades." — Capt. Joseph F. Schumann.
Also, these are taken in crystal clear video from one of Steve’s rare, and sold out, live seminars, which is much more expensive. And you save all the travel costs and airline hassles.
Q: There are other candlestick DVDs by other educators, why should I get these?
A: As the first to reveal candlesticks to the Western world, Steve Nison is THE acknowledge master of candlesticks. There are a lot of so-called teachers out there who have good intentions when it comes to explaining candles. But the truth is they haven't done the work, or done the years of research that it takes to become the expert at candles. It gets us upset when we see traders being taught false information. Because this false information is what causes many traders to lose real money. For over the past 30 years Steve has helped countless thousands of institutional and retail traders. If you're serious about learning how to use candlestick charts, you owe it to yourself to do it the right way – with Nison Candlesticks.
Q: What is the refund policy for the DVDs?
Q: Are the charts clear?
Q: How do I get a copy of the charts used in the DVD workshops?
Q: What is the Wow! worksheet?
Q: What if I have additional questions or want to get a customized educational training package?
Para perguntas sobre produtos, entre em contato com Paul Siegel em paul @ candlecharts.
Essencial de cartazes de velas e além.
"Yes, Steve — I Want To Be One Of The First Traders In The World To Get Your All-New " Candle Charting Essentials and Beyond - Volume 1 " Training Program on DVD at my special discount price of just $495 (list price, $695)!"
"I understand that I'll receive everything. including my FREE BONUSES worth $2,671 . shipped right to my door immediately."
Improve your trading skills overnight regardless of where you are right now.
Confidently go into any trading situation even in “unpredictable markets”
Make smart trading decisions almost instantly.
Gain the knowledge to achieve your trading goals in record time.
Train with the world-renowned father of candle charting.
Get "Candle Charting Essentials & Beyond - Volume 1"
at your Special Discount Price of just a.
single payment of only $495.
Para perguntas sobre produtos, entre em contato com Paul Siegel em paul @ candlecharts.
IMPORTANT NOTE: These recordings are licensed for your use only. You may never resell them ever – especially on auction sites such as eBay. If this is a problem for you, do not purchase this item.
REFUND POLICY: Due to the sensitive nature of these educational materials, Candlecharts is unable to offer any kind of refund on these DVDs. We will promptly replace any defective item free of charge.
This Is A Limited-Time Offer.
So Hurry To Claim Your Copy Now.
The list price for these brand-new DVD Training Programs is MUCH higher than this special discounted rate.
REMEMBER — Your special discount prices are only valid for a limited time. Which means that you need to act quickly before this one-time opportunity disappears!
And because I'll answer all your questions by email, it's like a live seminar. with the added advantage of being able to review the material at your convenience .
Grab your own copy of the best package for your trading situation now — I know you'll love these new strategies!
And may the candles continue lighting your path to greater profits.
P. S. Don't forget, your special discount prices are just a fraction of the full list price of these new DVD Training Programs. Plus, you'll also receive 3 valuable free bonuses worth $2,671 just for ordering! Hurry and grab your copy now before this offer is gone forever!
Essencial de cartazes de velas e além.
"Yes, Steve — I Want To Be One Of The First Traders In The World To Get Your All-New " Candle Charting Essentials and Beyond - Volume 1 " Training Program on DVD at my special discount price of just $495 (list price, $695)!"
"I understand that I'll receive everything. including my FREE BONUSES worth $2,671 . shipped right to my door immediately."
Improve your trading skills overnight regardless of where you are right now.
Confidently go into any trading situation even in “unpredictable markets”
Make smart trading decisions almost instantly.
Gain the knowledge to achieve your trading goals in record time.
Train with the world-renowned father of candle charting.
Get "Candle Charting Essentials & Beyond - Volume 1"

Trading triad success system

Put Yourself On The Cutting Edge Of A New Era In Candlestick Charting Training With Steve Nison … And Get Into The Market Before The Next Big Move With New Strategies Your Competition Doesn't Know About!
Let Steve Nison accelerate your candlestick knowledge. and enjoy greater trading success!
Improve your trading skills overnight regardless of where you are right now.
Confidently go into any trading situation even in “unpredictable markets”
Make smart trading decisions almost instantly.
Gain the knowledge to achieve your trading goals in record time.
Train with the world-renowned father of candle charting.
"With this missing ingredient you can rapidly gain a massive advantage over your trading competition. and the best part. I’ll show you step-by-step how to use these totally new insights to dominate your markets. even if you’re a total beginner!"
Uau! This is the most comprehensive. most advanced. and most useful candlestick trading program ever developed. This breakthrough training program helps the average trader boost their success with greater knowledge and confidence!
You'll discover new strategies and insights only available in the "Candlesticks MegaPackage." Order now to receive your MASSIVE DISCOUNT!
Long-time candlestick trader Don Smart at his custom trading station. He loves the new insights gained from the Candlestick MegaPackage.
"I just completed the first trip through the second half of the MegaPackage. In my estimation this is the best ever! What I like about it is that it ties together all the loose ends from the other packages into one concise entity. It clarifies a lot of points that were fuzzy in my mind and I am looking forward to implementing these ideas into my trading. This MegaPackage is more complete in many ways. The Western Technicals section allows one to make incorporate these indicators, along with the Candlesticks, into a coherent system. Also there is a lot of information in these DVD's that further the insights into the understanding Candles - many subtleties that were revealed only in this package. Again, Kudos for a magnificent effort."
“I Made $3,468 In Three Days. "
"I didn't realize how powerful the information was until I got home and started applying what I learned in the seminar. I made $3,468 in my first three days trading. I have made an additional $2,300 in two trades."
". net profit of $3,198 on an investment of $7,560 in two days! Thanks, Steve!"
"Se você está cansado de trabalhar para o seu dinheiro e quer aprender como fazer o seu dinheiro funcionar para você, Steve é ​​o homem!"
“I Bagged $3,100 in One Trade. "
"I entered short and the USD/JPY went right down. and I exited as I had planned. I bagged $3,100, which more than paid for the entire seminar trip in one trade! It was a good thing I followed my plan, as Steve taught, because the USD/JPY would have wiped out all my profits and then some. I made $3,100 instead of being stopped out with a $1,400 loss. Thanks to Steve's techniques, I'm confident that I'll make an additional $3,000 in trades each month this year alone."
“My Gains Were Preserved. "
"I have not had a significant loss in trading. I recently sold some gold stocks out for a 30% short term gain. Steve's favorite Western tool revealed at the seminar saved me from buying back too soon, so my gains were preserved."
“I Have Avoided At Least $5,000 In Losses. "
"With Steve's training, I have avoided at least $5,000 in losses by not taking trades I would have placed in the past. I also caught early moves shorting several of the commodity markets after parabolic rises."
“Up $2,600 In Just Two Weeks. "
"The seminar was the best that I have ever attended, and I have been to at least ten. Before the seminar I was down about $2,100. Since the seminar I have made back the $2,100 dollars plus an additional $500. That is in the span of just TWO WEEKS, trading with small positions."
“A Must For Any Trader”
“Without The Class, I Would Have Missed The Signals. "
"I was able to generate a $1,000 net profit in an option trade in Reality Income. Without the class, I probably would have missed the candle signals and not taken my profits. I look forward to making many more successful trades in the future."
“Two Days Later The Stock Hit The Target. "
"On the Monday after the seminar I bought 2 at-the-money puts on ABX. I also used the measuring technique to establish a target for the trade. Two days later the stock hit the target. I will never forget what the broker said: 'How did you know ABX was going down and how did you know what price it would hit?' & quot;
“On Just One Option Contract I Made Over $1,500. "
"Steve's technique predicted a move in the BIDU stock, and on just one option contract I made over $1,500. I am confident that, using Steve's techniques, I will make over $2,500 every month. I can hear my brokerage account going KA-CHING!"
Read On To Discover How Steve Nison's New Breakthrough Training Program .
The "Candlesticks MegaPackage" . Will Help Skyrocket Your Trading Success!
Here's How You Can Accelerate Your Candlestick Training With Steve Nison.
Steve Nison is ready to help you annihilate your trading competition and achieve your highest trading goals!
Dear Candlestick Trader,
If you're looking to improve your candlestick charting skills beyond nearly every other trader on the planet. and gain new skills and insight that will give you an almost unfair advantage over other traders. then this will be the most important message you'll ever read.
I've already told you that I've created a new breakthrough candlestick charting training program.
Now it's your opportunity to get these breakthrough strategies and methods before the rest of the world, and.
Finally Achieve Those Lofty Trading Goals You Desire.
You've seen other successful traders, and you know it's possible to create serious profits and excellent income through trading.
With the help of my new DVD training program, you'll have the knowledge and confidence to make it happen for yourself:
Generate real wealth for you and your family.
Create extra income to help cover your expenses and live better.
Get rid of that annoying debt that's holding you back.
Replace your lost retirement funds from the recent market drop.
Take care of your family now and in the future.
Live the life you really want. and trade from anywhere in the world.
Achieve true freedom that no one can take away from you!
Is it possible to really achieve what you want through smart trading? You'd better believe it! I've been helping thousands of traders get what they truly desire for over 25 years.
That's Because I Want To Help You Win!
Beginning with my first book published eighteen years ago in 1991, I always share my very best strategies and methods with you.
Like anything worthwhile, there's also room for new learning in candlesticks.
I think that's the reason behind the phenomenal success of my books and DVD Training Programs. Traders recognize good material and flock to it so they can improve their trading results.
My books are still considered the "bibles" of candlestick charting.
And my DVD Training Programs are the top-selling products of their kinds. Traders appreciate the sincere quest for knowledge and understanding they represent. They know I'm here to help them improve their success rate.
But Here’s Why It Is Time For An Even Better.
Candle Training Program.
Here's my work desk with just a few of the original Japanese candle charting books I use as original resource material. And that big thick manual in the middle with all the colored tabs is one of my sets of translations. loaded with notes and ideas!
I’m notorious for being an obsessive note taker. And I never throw away any of my research materials. Which was great news as I began this new quest.
I took the time to study, re-study, and re-re-study all of the hundreds of pages of original translations I paid so dearly for all those years ago.
Then I bit the bullet and had ANOTHER set of new translations created from new Japanese sources.
It was like revisiting a classic book from a different perspective. With all of the original Japanese material fresh in my mind… and combined with my decades of experience… exciting new ideas began jumping off the page.
I’m telling you, this new DVD training program is absolutely brimming with all of the new strategies I want to reveal to you. This new material is phenomenal!
Some of the most important things I want to give you are the timeless trading strategies originally derived from the famous 18th century Japanese trader Homma. This guy must have been an awesome trader because his peers said he was so good he could “make flowers blossom.”
But it didn’t stop there, because…
The More I Researched, The More I Found To Give You.
Now, listen very carefully to this. When I began this new course of study, I thought I’d find enough new and useful information to maybe fill one or two hours of training.
But the discoveries just kept coming! Which means you'll gain:
NEW candle pattern insights… such as the order of power of candle signals so you'll know how much confidence to have in any candle setup!
NEW trading psychology revelations… lets you quickly and accurately read the market's message to accelerate your analysis!
NEW simple-to-follow systems… like my simple 5-Step Trading Checklist to give you a step-by-step method of maximizing your opportunities for success!
And here's the bottom line.
You Will Literally Be In The Top 0.1% Of Traders Worldwide.
Todo comerciante precisa de uma vantagem para ganhar. e esta é a vantagem de dois canos que ninguém mais pode tocar!
Quando você está armado com essas novas idéias e estratégias, você terá total confiança para enfrentar até mesmo os ambientes comerciais mais difíceis. você nunca hesitará novamente porque você instintivamente saberá o que fazer. e você terá o conhecimento para cortar os negócios perdidos rapidamente e deixar os vencedores correrem para capturar mais lucros que outros comerciantes perdem.
Ninguém mais está ensinando esta nova informação, porque ninguém mais sabe sobre isso!
So continue reading to discover exactly what I'm going to share with you.
This Program Is For EVERY Serious Trader.
Não importa se você é um iniciante completo.
It doesn't matter if you're a seasoned candlestick trader.
These new DVD Training Programs will help you achieve amazing new heights in your trading.
Here's What You'll Receive In Your.
"Candlesticks MegaPackage" Training Program!
In your "Candlesticks MegaPackage" you'll receive everything in the Volume 1-2 set (Candle Charting Essentials & Beyond) highlighted above.
The exciting new Volume 3-4 set called "Candlesticks Re-Ignited". together it's the equivalent of a 4-day seminar on Advanced Level Trading Triad Strategies including an arsenal full of exciting new breakthroughs.
The Most Advanced Candlestick Training Available Anywhere!
IMPORTANT: Watch this video now to see exactly what you'll get in the full "Candlesticks MegaPackage"!
Here Is How "Candlesticks Re-Ignited" Will Help Accelerate Your Trading Skills and Knowledge Beyond What You've Ever Experienced!
. The order of power for each candlestick signal so you'll know, for example, whether a hanging man is more powerful than an engulfing pattern – and how that knowledge can magnify your profits.
. Finding out which candlestick patterns give you the best probability of success.
. When you should actually disregard the candlestick patterns.
. If it's possible to trade successfully only with candlesticks – and no other indicators.
. How to logically group patterns so you'll know how to use them better in the right context.
. Why "blending" candlesticks can give you greater insight into what's really happening on the chart , and how to quickly blend them on your own.
. Know how to identify pattern confirmations with greater accuracy for safer, more profitable trades.
. The best time periods to choose for moving averages.
. How to avoid taking profits too early and immediately increase your gains.
. Know how to let your profits run, and know what it feels like to bag those big winners!
. Avoid the common scenario of exiting a trade, seeing the market correct a little, and then watch as it continues to go higher – don't miss out on those huge profit run again!
. Quickly recognize the best high probability trades to dramatically improve your chances of consistent winners.
. How to keep a simple trading Journal, and why it will help your confidence and profit levels.
. What combination of signals need to be aligned before you pull the trigger.
. A search engine that automatically identifies the best candle patterns for you.
. How to use candles with sectors and ETFs to broaden your ability to pick winners and generate consistent profits.
I have been a better trader as a result of all your DVD sets.
Before: I was a Momentum trader getting into trades too late and being stopped out. After: I have switched to mainly Reversal trading and have been getting in earlier.
An Old Dog Will Teach You New Tricks.
Yes, for 25+ years I’ve been teaching traders all around the globe how to become better traders with candlesticks.
Now let me show you new ways to enhance the candle knowledge you already have. (And if you are still at the beginning level, don’t worry! This 2-day DVD Workshop will start with the basics and then become your express train to the highest level of candle knowledge possible.)
Here, finally, is your opportunity to learn this new level of “world class” candlestick secrets that no one else knew existed a short time ago… including the “super-advanced” skills, know-how and techniques of…
…How to use my favorite trading rule!
…How to quickly monitor my favorite candle signal!
…How to easily calculate my favorite measuring tactic!
…How to implement the best moving averages for “golden” and “dead” crosses, and how to use them every day!
…How to use the single most important Western tool to skyrocket your success with candles!
…How to successfully use my Candlestick Screener™ every day – a technique so simple yet so powerful that it will pay for the seminar many times over!
…How to use “Blended Candles” to quickly see every group a candle signals as bullish or bearish!
And that’s just a small taste of what’s in store for you in the Candlesticks Re-Ignited DVD Workshop. Here are some more ways I’ll expand on the current body of candle knowledge to give you even more profit-getting advantages over your competition…
See what I mean? But remember, we’re just getting started.
And in case you think that this material is for the other guy, you must realize that…
These Strategies Work In Every Market – No Exceptions.
That’s one of the great things about candlestick charts. They truly are universal! No matter what markets you trade…
You’ll walk away with methods and strategies that improve your trading and confidence levels.
Steve, The Candlesticks Re-ignited DVD training course was just fantastic!! It took me to a whole new trading level. Now I am checking the markets (DIA, SPY & QQQQ) to see where the overall markets are heading and have a whole new outlook about risk and reward. This has saved me thousands in this volatile market. Using the methods that I learned from these training DVDs I made $3659 on one Wells Fargo Corporation (stock symbol WFC) options trade in just two days! I would highly recommend this training course for anyone who is serious about trading. I got my money back the the first week after applying your methods and now I get my money back time and time again by knowing the good risk reward buys from the poor risk reward buys. Thank you so much for all your help!
— Michael L. Getzendaner Polo, IL.
I loved the strict criteria given for certain candles. This has helped me to more clearly define my "A" comércios. I really liked the way Steve explains how to properly use the candles and when not to use them. I loved learning about the sector analysis and the bonus CD is a great tool. No other educator teaches like Steve does.
I got into an ETF (SSO) based on a bullish engulfing pattern in the S&P, which was confirmed with higher volume than the preceding days and a western technical. There was a resistance level about 90 points higher. I got out as soon as the S&P hit this level during the day. Como eu fiz isso? With Steve's intraday tactics. I was watching it and several bearish candle formations were made at this resistance level. So I bailed. By the end of the trading day the price had come down back to the prior days close. (This was about 150 points in the dow.) Profit was $2400.00 in my fund. (This was a 3 day trade.) I know this year I will do better than 50% ! Which is unheard of for a 401K. One last thing, I did this while I was working at my job using the free charts from the Ice exchange. (they are not the best).
Learning Candles has been the "glue" I was looking for . My trading has greatly increased and my successes because of the micro view the candles give. Yes they give a macro view as well but for me candles have eliminated the "uncertainty" I would get prior to some trades. That feeling of "maybe I should wait 1 more day" or " maybe I should look or wait for more confirmation with western technicals". I think the best wat to some up candles is with one word CONFIDENCE! Before my confidence was missing on many trades meaning I had some uncertainty. Now, almost all of my trades I am confident. I was 5 for 6 on my first 6 trades.
Fascinating New Discoveries That Will Blow Your Mind (And Inflate Your Wallet)
If that isn’t enough for you, then you’ll really love …
My Drop-Dead Simple 3-Step Filtering System.
Shines A Spotlight On Winning Trades.
Like I said before – all of my strategies and techniques work equally well in any market.
But I’m going to teach you a 3-step system that will let you pull profits from stocks almost at will. It’s my “Nison 3-Step Filtering System” and it works like a charm. I’ve been testing it for quite some time… and honestly I haven’t found a situation in which it doesn’t work.
One of the biggest headaches stock traders face every day is… How to filter through thousands upon thousands of stocks to find the real gems .
Do it the wrong way and you can spend countless hours fumbling around trying to find good stock candidates. But with my Nison 3-Step Filtering System , you’ll find the best stocks in a flash.
And I’ll hand it over to you on a silver platter when you grab your copy of the Candlesticks MegaPackage DVD Workshop. You’ll get step-by-step instructions that are easy enough for ANY trader to follow!
This DVD begins building the solid, and correct, foundation for the rest of your candlestick education.
See why candles are used by the most successful traders and analysts and how candles can help you overcome your trading challenges. You will learn how Steve’s Trading Triad™ Success System will put you ahead of those who don’t use this strategy.
After detailing the basic construction of the candlestick line, Steve focuses on one of the most common and misunderstood candle signals - the Doji. Want to know if a breakout is likely to be false? Then pay special attention to the section on Spinning Tops and Doji.
Você acha que as velas são complicadas? Este é apenas um dos mal-entendidos que são explodidos aqui. Até o final deste DVD, você estará começando o caminho para ler com precisão a mensagem do mercado melhor e mais rápido do que nunca.
Aqui está o que você aprenderá:
Why is Steve Nison the source for your candle education Anatomy of the candle line The importance of understanding market psychology The popularity of candles The 7 major benefits of candles How candles can be used in all time frames and all markets Why candles are a tool and not a trading system Introduction to Steve Nison’s Trading Triad™ Success System Why candles give twice the information as a bar chart Using real bodies to gauge force of current move Spinning tops Essentials of Doji Basic Criteria Market Implication Using doji as a protective stop How to help avoid buying on false breakouts Avoiding a common misuse of the doji Shadows Why shadows must be part of your candle analysis Using long lower shadows Using long upper shadows High Wave Candles Basic Criteria Market implication Basic psychology behind the pattern Starting to read the market’s message with single candle lines.
Candles have their own special message. But how do you correctly read their message?
Steve gives you the answer by showing you, step by step, how to read what the candlestick line – both the real body and shadows - is relaying about the health of the market. Using this information, you’ll see the inside secret of how to tell which way the market will break out a trading range.
Not all candle signals are equally valid, and in this DVD, Steve gives you a heads up on which candle signals you must be cautious about – and why. Then see how to use the visual insights of single candle lines - even those that are not specific candle patterns - to accurately gauge when the market is most likely to reverse.
Aqui está o que você aprenderá:
Hammer Essentials Construction Basic criteria Market implications Basic psychology behind the pattern Hammer and trend As support Dragonfly doji Inverted Hammer Essentials Construction Basic criteria Cautions about this pattern Shooting Star Essentials Construction Basic criteria Market implications Basic psychology behind the pattern As resistance Example of wrong candle information Hanging Man Essentials Construction Basic criteria Cautions about this pattern Box range trading - using candles to help predict direction of breakout Single candle line essentials – bringing it all together.
Você acha que há muitos padrões de castiçal? Then you’ll appreciate how Steve zooms in on some his favorite double candle line patterns - from both the bull and bear side.
Com a ajuda deste DVD, você desenvolverá a confiança para encontrar e usar corretamente, esses padrões de linha de vela dupla mais importantes para configurar um comércio. In this section, you’ll see how to answer the common question of “How do I know when the pattern fails?”
Aqui está o que você aprenderá:
Bullish Engulfing Pattern Essentials Construction Basic criteria Market implications Using as support Basic psychology behind the pattern Piercing Pattern Essentials Construction Basic criteria Market implications Using as support Basic psychology behind the pattern Bull Harami Essentials Construction Basic criteria Market implications Using as support Basic psychology behind the pattern Bearish Engulfing Pattern Essentials Construction Basic criteria Market implications Using as resistance Basic psychology behind the pattern Compared to western outside reversal Dark Cloud Cover Essentials Construction Basic criteria Market implications Using as resistance Basic psychology behind the pattern Bear Harami Essentials Construction Basic criteria Market implications Basic psychology behind the pattern.
This DVD completes the candles reversal patterns as Steve gives the ins and outs of the Morning and Evening Stars.
While most candle patterns are reversal indicators, there are a select group of continuation candles (in which the market continues its current trend). One of these is Steve’s all time favorite candle pattern. You will see how to take advantage of this signal, which is simple to recognize, but will be a boon to your trading prowess.
After a review of what you learned in this and the prior DVDs, Steve will show an example of how NOT to use candlesticks to help you avoid one of the most common, and dangerous, mistakes made by candle traders.
Aqui está o que você aprenderá:
Morning Star Essentials Construction Basic criteria Market implications Basic psychology behind the pattern Using as support Variations Evening Star Essentials Construction Basic criteria Market implications Basic psychology behind the pattern Using as resistance Being flexible Variations Three Advancing White Soldiers Construction Basic criteria Market implications Basic psychology behind the pattern Pattern nuances Rising and Falling Three Methods Definition Construction Pattern nuances Rising and Falling Windows Definition Construction Using for maximum success Common misuses of this signal Breakaway gaps and windows Fry pan bottom – definition, construction and uses Dumpling Top – definition, construction and uses How NOT to use candles!
Do you know when to start a new trade – or when to end a trade?
To answer these questions, we need to focus on Western technicals and candles as detailed in this DVD. The fusion of candlesticks with Western technical indicators, at critical junctures, is one of the most important strategies you need to know to generate entry and exit points.
Trend lines – and their variations - is the first of Steve’s specific western technical tools.
You’ll be amazed at the market timing strategies you will discover with Steve’s 7 tactics using candles and trend lines.
Aqui está o que você aprenderá:
How adding Western technicals improves trading success Candles and trend lines Sloping trend lines Bull and bear channels Horizontal trend lines Bullish Change of Polarity Bearish Change of Polarity Crack and Snap as a bull signal Falling Off the Roof as a bearish signal Importance of looking at candles in context Candle by candle example of East - West.
See why volume is one of Steve’s critical Western tools as he highlights the nuances of using volume with candle charts.
Then uncover why candles and Bollinger Bands can be your one-two punch for trading success. Do you now use, or are thinking of using oscillators, such as RSI, stochastics, etc?
Then you’ll be thrilled as Steve discloses how to use 4 of the most popular oscillators as potential trade set ups, and then use candles as the trading trigger.
Aqui está o que você aprenderá:
Candles and Volume Tall white candle and volume Using Volume and candles to gauge shifting market psychology Volume and engulfing patterns Volume and windows Volume and small real bodies and doji Volume and crack and snap Selling climaxes Candles and open interest Candles and Bollinger Bands Candles and Oscillators - Introduction Introduction to oscillators Basics of how to use oscillators Divergence Candles and Stochastic Candles and RSI Candles and MACD Candles and Dual Moving Average Oscillator.
Steve reveals two popular Japanese tools on how to gauge if the market is overbought or oversold.
Ever wonder how you can find support or resistance after a market shoots almost straight up or falls almost vertically down? See how to do this with retracements. Then learn when moving averages – when properly used - can be another tool when used in conjunction with candle signals.
Since candles don’t provide price targets, Steve shows examples of Western price projections. He then shows how he predicted major highs and lows in the markets months before they unfolded using the synthesis of East and West.
Aqui está o que você aprenderá:
The Disparity Index Definition Construction Using the disparity index to gauge if market is overextended Record session highs and lows Definition Using to measure overbought and oversold levels Candles and Retracements Using 50% retracements Using Fibonacci retracements Candles and Moving Averages Moving averages as support and resistance When to use - and not use - moving averages Candles and Price Patterns Head and Shoulders Inverted Head and Shoulders Box range breakouts Ascending and descending triangle Swing targets Bull and bear flags Price targets and candle confirmation East – West: Putting it all together How candles and west called major market highs and lows.
Do you know when not to place a trade – even with a perfect candle signal?
Or when “to hold them and or fold them?” Have you asked, “I have a candlestick signal - now what?” The answers to these questions - and more - is completely dependent on the vital trade management principles revealed on this DVD.
Lack of these core principles is the single most common – and dangerous – misuse of candles.
Here you will learn Steve’s all time most important trade management rule and how he gets price targets. Then see how to use the short term trend to define if a candle signal is valid.
Discover the core concept of how to place your trades in the direction of the longer term trend. In the concluding section, Steve asks which of two candle patterns is the more likely reversal. The answer will shock you!
Aqui está o que você aprenderá:
The danger of treating all the candle signals the same Importance of trade management Protective stops as a foundation of risk management Price targets Price targets with pivot highs and lows Price targets using price patterns Price targets with bull and bear channels Risk/ reward - why this should be an essential component of trading Importance of Short Term Trend A common misuse of candles and trend When is a bearish engulfing pattern not a bearish engulfing pattern? Importance of Longer Term Trend Using longer term trend to set up directional trades Dual moving averages to define longer term trend How to Trade Expected News The If…Then Principle What this principle means to your trading The 3 ways to use this trading principle Adapting to the Market – A key strategy when in a trade Candles in Context Using trade management to help determine the better candle signals.
Steve delves deeply into new nuances with doji , including the two times you should never use a doji.
He then goes beyond his earlier and more basic resources, (where he discusses East-West confirmation) by adding another method of candle confirmation. You’ll discover the significance of this confirmation – and why it is especially important if you trade FX.
Steve then introduces you to his brand new 360° Candle Analysis™ and how it will quickly take you to the top levels of candle pattern analysis. Steve reveals his new Nison Insights analysis to ensure that you use a candle signal correctly, and with maximum success.
Aqui está o que você aprenderá:
Overview of Candle Benefits What candles do - and don’t do Advanced Doji When doji are less important and why Doji and trend Doji and box ranges How to tell when a doji is just a pause before the rally resumes How to increase success with doji Doji and shadows Doji at a new high Doji and momentum trading Price Confirmation What is price confirmation Why is price confirmation important Price confirmation compared to East-West confirmation The one time price confirmation less important When is price confirmation especially important Introducing Steve Nison’s 360° Candle Analysis™ :
The newest and most in depth candle analysis ever given Introducing Nison Insights : New candle pattern insights and nuances.
Traders have been waiting a long time for this! Using his newly developed real body/shadow progression, Steve gives you the logical progression of the order of importance of single white lines from least to most bullish.
See which is the more important part of the candle line – the real body or the shadow. Then learn all the insider tactics and strategies with the “one-sided shadowed candles” of hammers and shooting stars.
Have you ever seen a double or triple group of candles signals and can’t tell if they are net bullish or bearish? Then you’ll want to use the insights of the blended candle line including a new strategy of the blended candle technique.
Think a tweezers top or bottom means the same highs to lows? See what is even more important for the tweezers.
Aqui está o que você aprenderá:
Real body or shadow – which is more important and why 10 white real body candle lines: from weakest to strongest 10 black real body candle lines in order of weakness Advanced Hammer Strict compared to basic criteria Detailed psychology behind the pattern Momentum trading Price confirmation The “Power Line” How to increase success with this pattern Using retests of the lower shadow Dragonfly doji The Hanging Man Why to be careful with this pattern Why price confirmation is especially important for this pattern Advanced Shooting Star Strict compared to basic criteria Detailed psychology behind the pattern Momentum trading Price confirmation Gravestone doji The Inverted Hammer Why to be careful with this pattern Why price confirmation is especially important for this pattern The Blended Candle Line Definition and Construction Using the blended candle to see if a combination of candle lines are bullish or bearish How to use blended candle insights to determine the importance of a candle reversal Tweezers tops and bottoms Correct interpretation Common misuses When is price confirmation important for these patterns Strategies for making this pattern even more effective.
Using his new “white real body candle progression,” Steve gives you the logical order of power from least to most bullish of the most important double candle line patterns that have white real bodies. Then, for each of these candle patterns, he applies his 360° Candle Analysis and Nison Insights to give you his ultimate insights.
Plus you’ll learn what dangers to avoid. For example, a bullish separating line (explained on this DVD) looks especially bullish. In this DVD, you’ll learn the one time you must never use this pattern.
Aqui está o que você aprenderá:
Bull Counter Attack Pattern Strict compared to basic criteria Detailed psychology behind the pattern Momentum trading Price confirmation How to increase success with this pattern An important caution about this pattern Bull Separating Line Strict compared to basic criteria Detailed psychology behind the pattern Momentum trading Price confirmation How to increase success with this pattern An important caution about this pattern Advanced piercing pattern Strict compared to basic criteria Detailed psychology behind the pattern Momentum trading Why this pattern replaces three related patterns Advanced Bull Harami How to increase success with this pattern Strict compared to basic criteria Detailed psychology behind the pattern Price confirmation Advanced Bullish Engulfing Pattern Strict compared to basic criteria Momentum trading Detailed psychology behind the pattern Price confirmation How to increase success with this pattern The Last Engulfing Line.
Steve goes over the bearish counterparts of the bull signals detailed in the previous DVD.
By using his newly developed approach to the bearish double line candle patterns called “Black Real Body Progression,” you’ll have a visual shortcut to seeing the least to most bearish double candle line patterns.
Continuing his extensive details about the psychology behind the patterns, you’ll see why these patterns work time and time again – no matter what market or timeframe you trade.
As part of the advanced windows section, Steve answers the one question that comes up time and time again about windows.
Aqui está o que você aprenderá:
Bear Counter Attack Pattern Strict compared to basic criteria Detailed psychology behind the pattern Momentum trading Price confirmation How to increase success with this pattern An important caution about this pattern Bear Separating Line Strict compared to basic criteria Detailed psychology behind the pattern Momentum trading Price confirmation How to increase success with this pattern An important caution about this pattern Advanced Dark Cloud Cover How to increase success with this pattern Strict compared to basic criteria Detailed psychology behind the pattern Momentum trading Why this pattern replaces three related patterns Advanced Bear Harami How to increase success with this pattern Strict compared to basic criteria Detailed psychology behind the pattern Price confirmation Advanced Bearish Engulfing Pattern Strict compared to basic criteria Momentum trading Detailed psychology behind the pattern Price confirmation How to increase success with this pattern The Last Engulfing Line Advanced Windows Review of window basics Small compared to large windows Windows and Change of Polarity Windows and Island Tops and Bottoms A note of caution when using the Three Windows method Secrets to using intraday charts to confirm a window on a daily chart.
In this resource, Steve not only reveals his all time favorite Western tool , but exposes how most traders use this tool incorrectly.
See Steve’s favorite measured move.
Want to know if support or resistance is likely to hold? Then pay special attention to The Candlestick Screener ™, a strategy so simple, yet so powerful, that you’ll use it in just about every trading situation when the market is at support or resistance.
If we had to pick Steve’s favorite trading strategy – this is it.
Aqui está o que você aprenderá:
Review of how western tools with candles helps increase success Steve reveals his all time favorite western indicator Background about this indicator Why this indicator is the perfect fit with candles Why this indicator is not used correctly by most traders In depth discussion on how to accurately and correctly use this indicator When to use this indicator with candles When not to use this indicator with candles Which markets does this indicator work with What time frames can you use this indicator - and why How to use this indicator with bullish candle signals How to use this indicator with bearish candle signals Measure Moves Why we need targets when trading with candles The Three Buddha Pattern Samples of measured move patterns in western technical analysis Steve’s favorite western pattern for getting a measure move.
Do you have trouble finding the best stocks to watch?
In Nison’s Three-Step Filtering System, you will be able to zero in on the high probability stock candidates. Did you know that sectors account for 37% - 60% of an individual stocks performance?
This is why Steve brings to light how to apply top down and bottom-up sector analysis with candles. Then see how he uses candles with ETFs.
Aqui está o que você aprenderá:
The Candlestick Screener ™ The two simple questions to ask to find the highest probability trades When to buy at support When not to buy at support When to sell at resistance When not to sell at resistance Candles and Stock Sectors What are stock sectors Why sectors are so important to your trading Where to get sector information Sectors and bottom up trading - stocks to its related sector Sectors and top down trading - sector to related stock Using the Nison 3 Step Filtering System to find the best stock candidates Candles and ETFs What ETFs are Why use ETFs How to use ETFS in your trading How to combine candles and ETFs.
I have a candle signal – now what do I do?
Here is where you get Steve’s answer with his 6 step Trading Checklist.
Do you have the problem of letting your profits run? Then the section on trailing stops will be perfect for you. Emotions rule your trading? Then see how a trading journal will put you in charge of your emotions so you can as Steve says, “trade the market like Spock” — logically, clearly and unemotionally.
Aqui está o que você aprenderá:
Why ignoring trade management is the most common and dangerous misuse of candles The 4 major components of Trade Management Review of risk/reward Review of adapting to the market Which is a better trading signal and why – Dark cloud cover or bearish engulfing pattern.
Watch These Sample Clips From The Actual.
"Candlesticks MegaPackage" DVD Training Program.
These video samples will give you a little "peek behind the curtain" to see Steve teaching this exciting new material.
PLEASE NOTE: Although this is actual footage from the "Candlesticks MegaPackage" DVD Training Program, we have seriously 'down-sampled' the size of the video clips so they'll download fairly quickly. As a result, the video image quality isn't as clear as it will be on your own television or computer when you play directly from the DVDs.
The actual videos are stunningly clear and silky smooth!
With these new insights, it's easier to read this crazy, volatile market. Being able to 'read' the fear, greed, and panic has made it much easier to trade smarter.
I used Steve's candle patterns to find support in Praxair. According to 'other candle authorities', price action from 3/3-3/5 would have created a short play. Steve's teaching warned me that it was too close to support. On 3/10, Praxair closed over the falling window. Instead of shorting the stock (and losing a lot of money), I waited and went long - creating a profit of $7 per share. And now, Steve's teaching showed me what to look for as a resistance and I've tighted up my stop. This is a complete winner because of Steve's Candlestick teaching!
Before Steve's teaching, I simply followed my signals. Now, I send them through the 'candlestick filter' and avoid getting long at resistance or market indecision. It's made a huge difference. Using Steve's trade management technique I have smaller losses. And, using his candlestick market psychology, I am able to stay in a winning trade longer. Steve's training has made me able to not only survive this volatile market, but to profit from it. Obrigado, Steve!
Gives me new insights into candles and helps me read reversals more accurately. I only trade Forex at present. Candles give me an edge in spotting reversals or trend continuation patterns before Western indicators do.
The Candlesticks MegaPackage.
"Yes, Steve — I Want To Be One Of The First Traders In The World To Get Your All-New " Candlesticks MegaPackage " Training Program on DVD at my special discount price of just $1,490 (list price, $3,685)!"
"I understand that I'll receive everything. including my FREE BONUSES worth $2,671 . shipped right to my door immediately."
Improve your trading skills overnight regardless of where you are right now.
Confidently go into any trading situation even in “unpredictable markets”
Make smart trading decisions almost instantly.
Gain the knowledge to achieve your trading goals in record time.
Get Your Copy Of The.
Candlesticks MegaPackage Now!
Regular Price $3,685 Today $1,490.
Or get it for just two monthly payments.
of only $795 each.
IMPORTANT NOTE: These recordings are licensed for your use only. You may never resell them ever – especially on auction sites such as eBay. If this is a problem for you, do not purchase this item.
REFUND POLICY: Due to the sensitive nature of these educational materials, Candlecharts is unable to offer any kind of refund on these DVDs. We will promptly replace any defective item free of charge.
These New DVD Training Programs Become Your Overnight Success.
Not long ago a trader friend of mine told me that many years ago he didn't do anything to increase his trading knowledge because he didn't think he could afford it.
Year after year, though, he could never break through and make the kind of profits he really wanted. After a while, the roller coaster of decent wins and gut-wrenching losses began to take a toll on his health.
As most experienced traders like to say, one way or another you'll pay for a trading education.
The "Candlesticks MegaPackage" is a serious investment in your trading education. But it's the kind of investment that can pay for itself almost immediately.
Just one well-placed trade using these new strategies can put you in the driver seat.
Become Part Of A Select Group Of Certified Candlestick Charting Experts.
When you order the "Candlesticks MegaPackage" you'll now have the opportunity to prove your candlestick charting abilities.
After you finish watching the new DVD Training Program, you can earn our "Certificate Of Achievement" with an online comprehension quiz.
Your Certificate will show everyone that you have taken your candlestick charting knowledge to a level of expertise very few traders ever achieve.
But the real value of earning your Certificate is in the improved trading results you'll be trained to achieve with this newfound knowledge.
Plus, Here Are Your Valuable FREE Bonus Gifts.
When you claim your copy of this fast-paced DVD Training Program, you'll also receive three amazing bonus gifts I've put together for you. absolutamente grátis.
The Advanced Candles Trading Lab DVD is a one-of-a-kind training tool.
It gives you a full 45 minutes of real world chart situations full of questions such as “what do you see here” and “what would you do here.”
Then your candle charting expertise will increase again as you watch Steve explain what should be done in each of those situations.
It's a fascinating way to test your knowledge!
Available exclusively to those who order directly from Candlecharts.
Your purchase also includes FREE admission to the brand-new Nison University ™ for ongoing education and exclusive support.
Inside Nison University you'll discover:
As you watch the DVDs, it's nice to have a set of all the printed charts Steve uses during the Training Program.
That's why we're also including a complete set of the printed handouts that attendees at the live seminar received.
You'll be able to take notes on the charts as you watch the DVDs and learn the new strategies and principles Steve shares with you.
Available exclusively to those who order directly from Candlecharts.
Answers To Your Frequently Asked Questions.
Q: I have limited resources. Why are the DVD Training Programs a good value?
A: Getting in early on a single trade - or avoiding a bad trade - with the strategies presented in this DVD should more than pay for it. The following quote is a typical comment. “I made $3,468 in my first three days trading. I have made an additional $2,300 in two trades." — Capt. Joseph F. Schumann.
Also, these are taken in crystal clear video from one of Steve’s rare, and sold out, live seminars, which is much more expensive. And you save all the travel costs and airline hassles.
Q: There are other candlestick DVDs by other educators, why should I get these?
A: As the first to reveal candlesticks to the Western world, Steve Nison is THE acknowledge master of candlesticks. There are a lot of so-called teachers out there who have good intentions when it comes to explaining candles. But the truth is they haven't done the work, or done the years of research that it takes to become the expert at candles. It gets us upset when we see traders being taught false information. Because this false information is what causes many traders to lose real money. For over the past 30 years Steve has helped countless thousands of institutional and retail traders. If you're serious about learning how to use candlestick charts, you owe it to yourself to do it the right way – with Nison Candlesticks.
Q: I am new to candlesticks, where do I start?
A: Candlestick Essentials and Beyond Volumes 1-2 start from the basics of candles up to strong intermediate level. And then delves into candlesticks with some of Steve's favorite Western trading strategies and then completes the circle of analysis with trade management.
Q: Can I buy the each of the four Volumes separately?
A: No. To ensure you get the correct education, in the correct order we only offer Volumes 1-2 as a package, or volumes 1-4 (which is called the Nison Candlestick Mega Package).
Q: Can you give an overview of the difference between the DVD Training Programs.
A: Both DVD Training Programs are based on Steve Nison’s Trading Triad® of Technical Analysis . This propriety trading strategy – pioneered and registered by Steve Nison, forges together the most important aspects of three trading methods:
Q: I currently own you former DVDs Profiting with Japanese Candlestick Charts and Becoming a Samurai Trader which DVD products are right for me?
Q: If I own Profiting with Japanese Candlestick Charts and Becoming a Samurai Trader can I access Nison University?
A: No, Nison U admission is granted only for those who buy Essentials and Beyond Volumes 1 and 2¬ or the “Mega” Package (Essentials and Beyond Vol: 1 and 2 plus Candlesticks Re-Ignited Vol 3&4)¬. And Nison U and all its resources are only open to those who buy the DVDs from Candlecharts.
Q: What is the refund policy for the DVDs?
Q: Are the charts clear?
Q: How do I get a copy of the charts used in the DVD Training Programs?
Q: What is the Wow! worksheet?
Q: Do you have different levels of resources for Nison U.
Volume 1-4 (Candlesticks Mega Package) – Gives you all the above plus a Certificate of Competition, email education alerts and additional test your knowledge charts.
Q: Do you have ongoing support?
Q: I trade only fx, what product should I get?
Q: What if I have additional questions?
These Traders Immediately Saw The Power Of These Amazing New Breakthroughs In The "Candlesticks MegaPackage"
"I think Steve is excellent. he's very professional. He brings a very Socratic give and take approach, something you don't see with most of the so-called mentors out there. A lot of them are charlatans, and Steve is certainly not one of them. Steve stands above the rest, without a question.
“His Ability To Teach Is Astronomical. "
"Steve's ability to teach information is astronomical. He comes across clear, positive, and well defined. Would I tell my neighbor about this seminar? If he was my trading partner, I would say 'go as fast as you can.' If not, I'd keep my mouth shut. That's how good Steve is."
“He Is The Authority, So Why Learn From Anyone Else?”
"I've learned some great techniques on reversals, and that's what I was really looking for. I've read the books, watched the DVDs, and they were inspiration for coming to the seminar -- and I wasn't disappointed."
“Definitely Worth The Time And Investment To Come. "
"He's got a great way of being able to teach from a layman's perspective so it's very easy to understand. Definitely worth the time and investment to attend. I've already been able to notice my trades that went bad and why they did so."
“I Think It's Extraordinary”
"I think it's extraordinary. Steve is able to present clear-cut information that is easy to put into trading ideas. There are nuances and little pieces of information that can't be presented in a book."
“I Will Definitely Be Able To See Market Reversals Faster. "
"I'll definitely be able to understand and see market reversals faster. And I'll be able to plan my entries and exits based on patterns I learned at the seminar."
“Best Seminar I've Ever Been To. "
“Best seminar I've ever been to. If you want to become a better and more confident trader, you need to attend!”
“Takes You To Another Level. "
"I came to become more familiar with candle patterns to integrate them into my trading decisions. Steve has a talent for presenting the information in a way that's easily understood, but then builds on it to take you to another level."
“A Lot Better Selection Of Trades To Get Into. "
"The live training is much more interactive and exciting than the books and DVDs."
"If you're going to be a trader, this course is a must. The risk/reward is the key scenario to all of this. Knowing that will help me be a better traders. I enjoyed interacting with Steve personally, and appreciated his reassurance and confidence."
“This Was Everything I Was Expecting And More. "
"Steve is great. Everything I was expecting was presented, plus more. I learned some new Pivot Points, strategies for Support and Resistance. I think it'll boost my confidence."
“I Am Able To Stay Out Of Bad Trades. "
"Thanks to what I learned in Steve's course, I am able to stay out of bad trades that would have cost me thousands of dollars if I traded my old methods."
“I'll Now Trade With Confidence And Precision”
“If You Follow Steve's Teaching, I Don't Think You Can Fail As A Trader. "
"The way Steve teaches the material and the value of the material makes this seminar invaluable. The DVDs and the books give you a reference library that you can use after the seminar, but the seminar gives you the invaluable access to Steve. The confidence you get from what Steve teaches is immeasurable. If you follow what Steve tells you, I don't think you can fail as a trader."
“This Knowledge Is Essential To Survive And Win In The Market. "
“I wouldn’t trade in the stock market without candlestick charts. Having this knowledge is essential to survive and win in the market.”
“This Is One Of The First Classes You Need To Take. "
"Steve's a very excellent teacher. This could be a very dry course, but with his humor and knowledge it makes it very entertaining and very informative. If you're going to be trading, this is one of the first classes you need to take."
“It Is Going To Do Miracles To My Portfolio Balances. "
"Steve is a very good teacher, good sense of humor, and drives the point home so it sticks in your head. I would highly recommend this seminar. It's going to improve my ability to enter my trades at the precise point, manage the trade, and give me the right signals to exit so I don't lose money to the market. With the live interaction at the seminar, it makes the learning so much more easy and fun. It's going to do miracles for my portfolio balances."
“Candles Have Helped Me Take Astounding Profits”
“This Will Improve My Trading Ten-Fold. "
"I know what to look for now better. I think it will improve my trading ten-fold."
“More Confidence To Know Exactly Where To Place Entries And Exits. "
"The course is very concise, the information is very clear with a good learning curve. It gives me more confidence in placing my entries and exits, and helps me view my market as a full picture."
“I Now Have A Definite Trading Plan. "
"At a live seminar you can ask questions, you get feedback. It's a different experience. I prefer coming to a live seminar. Now I have a defined plan."
“It Was Time To Take My Candle Charting To The Next Level. "
"Steve makes it so simple. I came all the way from England just to hear him. I have all of Steve's DVDs. they're very informative but I wanted to hear him live to get the enthusiasm and move on to the next level."
“This Is By Far The Best. "
"My goal was to learn the proper way of using the candle charts and strategies to become a better trader. I would say this is the greatest thing there is. I've been to at least ten different seminars with different people and this is by far the best I've been to."
“With What I Learned, I'll Have Less Fear Because Now I Have More Confidence. "
"My goal was to get more confidence with my trading. I often make judgments too quickly, and this will help me think them through more. Steve has a great way of teaching candlesticks. I've read several articles from other candlestick trainers and they don't measure up to Steve, he's really very good and obviously very knowledgeable. I wouldn't tell my neighbor about the seminar because I want to be one step ahead of my competition!"
Your Simple Candlesticks MegaPackage "4-Step Success System"
With so much training material included in these new DVD Training Programs, you may not know where to start.
These new DVD Training Program is perhaps the most valuable education you'll ever give yourself.
Here's How To Order Your Copy Of.
The Candlesticks MegaPackage (Vols 1-4)
"Yes, Steve — I Want To Be One Of The First Traders In The World To Get Your All-New " Candlesticks MegaPackage " Training Program on DVD at my special discount price of just $1,490 (list price, $3,685)!"
"I understand that I'll receive everything. including my FREE BONUSES worth $2,671 . shipped right to my door immediately."
Improve your trading skills overnight regardless of where you are right now.
Confidently go into any trading situation even in “unpredictable markets”
Make smart trading decisions almost instantly.
Gain the knowledge to achieve your trading goals in record time.
Get Your Copy Of The.
Candlesticks MegaPackage Now!
Regular Price $3,685 Today $1,490.
Or get it for just two monthly payments.
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Syllabus for.
Candlestick Secrets for Profiting in Options.
Click Here To Return To The Information Page.
Please read syllabus carefully, since there are no refunds on this training program.
Candlestick Framework.
Review of all the essentials you need to know about candlesticks so you are up to speed when Steve refers to them in the option strategy sections. In this module, the focus is the power of single candlestick lines.
Why Nison candlesticks and options are the perfect fit The Trading Triad™ Doji essentials Candles to set protective stops The Hammer The Shooting Star The High Wave Candlestick The Bullish Engulfing Pattern The Bearish Engulfing Pattern Rising and falling windows Change of polarity Snap and crack Falling off the roof Adapting to new market conditions Chart challenges.
Options Framework.
If you are brand new to options this will get you quickly up to speed on the essentials. If you are an experienced option trader it is a great review and. PLUS, experienced options traders will pick up new approaches or ideas in this section.
The benefits of options Review of option essentials Buying In, At and Out of the Money Strikes Implied Volatility Out of the Money and In The Money – Pros/Cons of each Time value decay Advantages and disadvantages of short term expirations Advantages and disadvantages of longer term expirations The Greeks Bull spread – definitions, best strikes, when to use, cautions Bear spreads – definitions, best strikes, when to use, cautions When to buy options outright instead of spreads Methods to gauge confidence levels Long outright option strategies for when you have high confidence Long outright option strategies for when you have lower confidence.
Finding the High Probability Option Strategies Using Nison Candlestick Strategies.
Building on what you learned in the prior sessions, Steve now delves into specific option trading strategies using Nison candlesticks.
Importance of trend compared to implied volatility Volatility skew When to enter, exit and the best strike price to use for long calls When to enter, exit and the best strike prices to use for long puts When to enter, exit and best strike prices to use for bull debit spreads When to enter, exit and best strike prices to use for bull credit spreads When to enter, exit and best strike prices to use for bear debit spreads When to enter, exit and best strike prices to use for bear credit spreads Discover by using the Nison candlestick insights when to do an outright and when to do a spread Advantages and cautions of bull debit and credit spreads Advantages and cautions of bear debit and credit spreads Using the brand new “Nison Candlestick Confidence Filtering Strategy ” to set up the perfect option trades Secrets of Nison candlesticks for market direction and timing option trades Using the Trading Triad Success System™ to help overcome option trading challenges Why bearish candle signals must be traded differently in option markets Nison Candlesticks for day trading options Nison candlesticks for portfolio protection When to use protective puts instead of covered calls Nison candlestick timing strategies for covered calls Nison candlestick timing strategies for protective puts Using “Nison Candlestick Confirmation” for portfolio protection strategies How to let your portfolio profits increase by knowing exactly when to exit a covered call or protective put Chart Challenges and “Read Steve’s Mind”
SPECIAL BONUS SESSION: Using the Nison Candle Scanner software to quickly find a watch list of markets… plus our secret “Bouncing Ball” estratégia de negociação.
Merging Nison Candlesticks and Western indicators for High Success Option Strategies.
Steve will reveal exactly how merging Nison candlesticks with Western indicators will be your one-two punch for option success.
Using the 4 New Nison Candlestick Confirmation Option Strategies™ for: Long calls Bull call spreads Bull put spreads Long puts Bear put spreads Bear call spreads The one time you must use a credit spread instead of debit spread The two simple questions you need to ask before you do any option trade Improving success by setting up trades in the direction of major trend Price target strategies for: Long calls Bull debit spreads Bull credit spreads Long puts Bear debit spreads Bear credit spreads Option strategies using box ranges and Nison candlesticks Option strategies using Bollinger Bands and Nison Candlesticks The secret Nison Symmetry™ Strategy to forecast BOTH time and target Option strategies using The Change of Polarity technique Option strategies using The Falling Off the Roof technique Option strategies using breakouts Chart Challenges and “Read Steve’s Mind”
Trade Management Option Strategies for Improved Market Timing and Decreased Risk.
A Japanese proverb states, “His potential is that of the fully drawn bow–his timing the release of the trigger” A correct understanding of Trade Management will tell you when, and when not to pull the trigger on an options trade:
Using Risk/Reward analysis to determine the correct option strategy How options let you be more flexible with protective stops to help avoid being stopped out and then having the market go in your direction Monitoring and adjusting open option positions Using the “Market Chameleon” strategy to know when to leg into a bull spread Using the “Market Chameleon” strategy to know when to leg into a bear spread Rolling up on long calls to let profits ride during rallies Rolling down on long puts to let profits ride during selloffs Legging into bull and bear spreads to lock in profits Low cost way to reverse positions by legging out of spreads Using protective stops to protect trading capital Using time stops to protect trading capital Using the “Crack and Snap” strategy to leg out of a bull spread Using the “Crack and Snap” strategy to leg out of a bear spread Using Nison candlesticks to know when to exit open option trades Chart Challenges and “Read Steve’s Mind”
Bonus Session: “What Would You Do Here” Chart Challenges.
Qual é a melhor maneira de confirmar e solidificar sobre o que aprendeu até agora? By using this bonus module in which you work with Steve on dozens of questions and answers. Using real world charts, Steve will ask questions based on a specific chart and then after thinking about your answers, you can hear Steve’s analysis. This is a great way to get you supremely confident that you have correctly learned the most important aspects of Candlestick Secrets for Profiting in Options.
Here is a sample of the kinds of questions on this Bonus Module:
What outright or spread trade would you do now and why? How would you determine the best strike to buy for this trade? Based on the last candle on the chart, which is better to do why? Buy a put or do a bear put spread? Based on candlestick confidence levels, at the candle signal, what outright or spread trade would you do and why? Where would your price target be? Where would you set a protective stop? When would you have closed out a long call trade and why? …and many others.
Please read syllabus carefully, since there are no refunds on this training program.

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